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katsumi and yeonjun are standing in front of each other, one glaring and the other having an annoying ass smirk on his face. yeonjun then sighs, tired of the staring contest and demands for the girl he calls his sister.

"ok enough of this, where the hell is sana?" he says sassily, leaning on one foot with his arms crossed. katsumi rolls her eyes more aggressively than usual and turns around, walking out of the lobby, not even turning to see if the blue haired boy was following her.

after a deathly silent walk to the class room, choi yeonjun decided to make a dramatic entrance for himself. opening the door quickly, he walks in with one person on his mind, screaming, "alright where is sana!?"

said girl perks her head up, slightly in fear because of her name being screaming in what seemed to anger. her eyes trails to the pink boy looking at her with a shocked face. sana screams in shock and happiness as she quickly runs up to the boy and wraps her arms around his neck.

the room is then filled with gasps and giggles as the two hug tightly. everyone in the class looks in confusion, katsumi rolls her eyes with a smile on her face and tsukishima looks in jealousy.

"oh my god i can't believe you're here i thought i wouldn't see you until summer break but now here you are in our school, i'm so happy i love you please hug me back-" sana rambles into his ear with a huge grin on her face.

"ok that's great but your hair-"

"now that you're here we can do so much stuff together, we can go on picnics and eat cake in wine glasses and then go learn how to roller skate because i've wanted to learn with you for the longest-"

"sana, babe you're hair is brown-"

"and i know you don't like katsumi that much but maybe we can have a sleepover and eat tteobokki to make you feel back at home? are there any other things you would want to do?-"

"sana!" the taller finally yells. sana then pulls back with that sweet smile on her face, nodding her head for him to continue. "i totally agree with everything you just said and thank you so much for being so generous but i need you to explain to me why the hell your hair is brown?"

sana tilts her head like a lost puppy and goes "yea me and tani dyed our hair on impulse last night. it was super fun! maybe we can dye your hair too?"

"i- sure but you still look fine as hell tho." he begins to hype her up.

the teacher comes back into the room to see the commotion and tells everyone to settle down and go back to their seats continue on their projects. sana drags the boy to her seat so she can explain her side of the story.

katsumi was already in her seat next to tsukishima when he comes out of his state of shock and quickly turns to the girl with freshly dyed hair, shooting out question after question. "ok so what is his name and what is his mission here and why is he so close to sana and why does he think he can touch my girlfriend so comfortably-"

katsumi cuts him off, "i'm sorry what-" the blonde stares blankly at the girl, waiting for her to answer his questions. "ok so you're telling me that you and sana have made it official?" he sighs and confirms that they are in-fact, a couple.

katsumi hums and decides to finally answer the eager blondes questions. "ok so his name is yeonjun but sana calls him junnie, don't call him that or else he will catch a whole attitude. and his i- mIsSiOn is just to get a better education here and an excuse to be closer to sana. and they are practically brother and sister, not blood related of course but they certainly have a very strong bond."

tsukishima hums and nods his head in understanding. "ok, i excuse his behavior then. let's get started on this project now." he says as he gets up to get the clay and carving tools. katsumi looks at him in astonishment from his sudden mood switch but decided not to question it.


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