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When Evelyn returned home after Little Hangleton, she wasn't sure how to feel. She knew that she had to go back to Hogwarts stronger, smarter and braver than ever before.

On her way home from Little Hangleton, she had purchased a copy of Secrets of the Darkest Art and ever since she had made it home, she had been unable to pull her nose out of it. She had to become smarter if she wanted any chance of stopping Tom Riddle.

By the time she arrived at her front door, she had almost forgotten about the events that took place the time she was previously here, she had forgotten about the folder stuffed in her trunk that had helped both her and Tom create a theory as to the true fate of her parents.

"Evelyn, I think it is time you and I had a talk," her grandmother said to her from the kitchen table.

Evelyn nodded her head, "yes, I think it is..." She took a seat opposite her grandmother, crossing her arms.

"I know you took the folder," she began

"Yes, and therefore you know why I took it, I had to know!"

Her grandmother shook her head, "but you shouldn't have taken it your parents would be disappointed."

Evelyn rolled her eyes, "I did it for them, they would be proud of me, I had to know what happened to them."

"Well, did you find out?"


"And..." Her grandmother urged her to speak.

Evelyn studied the expression on her grandmothers face, "you don't know do you? You don't know what happened to them..."

Her grandmother shook her head, "I never found out. I've been looking for years."

And so Evelyn told her, she told her everything, everything Tom had told her all those months ago, everything she knew, and everything she had an inkling about.

Evelyn spent the next few weeks at home eagerly awaiting her OWL results, the morning when they were due to arrive, she was filled with nerves. She had barelt slept the night before and when she saw the envelop waiting on her doormat, her heart almost burst straight out of her chest.

Dear Miss Evelyn Meliora Rivers

Below are the results that you achieved in your O.W.L. exams:

Astronomy: Outstanding

Ancient Runes: Exceeds Expectations

Charms: Oustanding

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Oustanding

Herbology: Oustanding

History of Magic: Oustanding

Muggle Studies: Exceeds Expectations

Potions: Oustanding

Transfiguration: Oustanding

If you have received Poor or above in any of your chosen subjects, please consult with the appropriate Professor to discuss resitting the examinations in the coming year.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Armando Dippet

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"Congratulations Evelyn!" Her grandma said, "your parents would be so proud of you!"

Evelyn smiled, "I hope so!"

"You should go and tell them! I know your mother would be especially proud of that grade in Ancient Runes, especially considering how challenging your found it!"

Evelyn scurried out of the kitchen with her OWL results in hand. She sat down on the patch of grass beside her parents gravestones, placing one hand on the soil. "I did it, mother and father, I got the grades, I'm going to be an Auror, just like you two were." She leant in a smelt the roses, "I'm going to study Charms, Herbology, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions and Transfiguration and then I'm going to apply to be an Auoror and work in the same department as you!" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, "see you at Christmas."

When Evelyn entered back into the kitchen, she spotted her grandmother at the table with a copy of the Daily Prophet, "you want a read?"

"Oh yes!" She hadn't read the Daily Prophet since before leaving for Little Hangleton and was eager to catch up on the news. Evelyn took the copy of the Daily Prophet in her hands with a smile that began to falter as soon as she saw the front page story.

Murder In Little Hangleton - Riddle Family Found Dead

The Riddle family were found dead last night in their manor. Thomas Riddle Sr, his wife, and son were all found by authorities in a perplexed state. A cause of death has not yet been identified however Frank Bryce has been named the main suspect in the case and has been taken into custody. (More on page 5....)

Evelyns heart sank when she read the news, she knew deep down what Tom had done, but part of her had hoped she was wrong, for once, she didn't want to be right.

Reading the article had solidified in her mind who Tom Riddle really was, he was simply a monster, nearing the point of no return and it was up to Evelyn to stop him. Somehow, she had to pull him back from the edge, she had to save him.

When Evelyn went to sleep that night, all she could think about was him.

With Morfin Gaunts wand in his hand, Tom Riddle made his way into the Riddle House. He spotted his father first, sat in the drawing room with a cup of tea, and like a snake, he struck.

"Avada Kerdavra!" His fathers body fell onto the floor, earning a loud exclamation from his grandmother and grandfather.

"Tom!" His grandmother called.

His grandfather turned to look at his wife, "it's him, it's him."

"You filthy muggles, I will cleanse my heritage, you will pay!" He turned to his grandparents, and in an instant, they were slumped on the floor beside their son with horrified expressions plastered on their faces.

Tom's lips crept up into a smile, "oh and by the way, it's not Tom anymore. It's Lord Voldemort."

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