Only Him

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Pucca- 16   Garu- 18   Abyo- 19   Ching- 18

*Narrator POV*

Sooga Island's most loved 16 year old, Pucca, was running down the main street after what she loved most. She chased Garu, the 18 year old ninja who simply thought only of restoring honor to his family, although no one knows who his family is. She ran and finally caught up with him, throwing her arms around him and tackled him to the ground. She kissed him all over his face, leaving red lips marks where she kissed. He made an annoyed face and rolled his eyes. The only reason she stopped was because her best friend got her attention.

Ching- Good morning Pucca! Oh, hi Garu. I can see Pucca found you first.

Ching giggled as Garu rolled his eyes and sighed, annoyed. Pucca gave him a couple more kisses and finally got off of him. He got up and brushed off the dirt on his black outfit. Pucca looked up to him and giggled. He sighed and rubbed his face. Ching kind of frowned to the gesture. She smiled at Pucca  and grabbed her hand and pulled her to her side.

Ching- I'm going to take Pucca now ok?

Garu shrugged and walked away. Ching gave of a sad worried face and looked at Pucca. She stood on her tippy toes  facing the direction where Garu was leaving and waving goodbye at him with a huge smile. Garu was looking the other way.

*Ching POV*

I noticed how much Pucca really adores Garu, but no matter what effort she gives out, he's always being that bitch who doesn't give a shit. He just doesn't realize how much he's missing out. Pucca Is the sweetest girl around. Garu is blind. He doesn't realize Pucca always saves his ass from HIS problems and always comes to his rescue and he never shows he appreciates her. I hope something bad happens and he realizes how perfect Pucca is.

Me- Come on Pucca, lets go.

She nods and follows me. We walk to the forest and she still has that big smile.

Me- Have you ever liked anyone other than Garu?

Pucca shakes her head.

Me- Only Garu?

She nods happily.

Me- Pucca, why do you like Garu so much?

She sighs dreamily and giggles. Then she makes some poses for me to guess. Since Garu took a vow of silence until he restored honor to his family, Pucca didn't want him to be alone so she took the vow just for him. I tried to be silent too for her because she's my best friends and basically my sister but I couldn't. It's so hard to be quiet and here's more proof she adores him. She loves him so much she doesn't talk. She hasn't talked for about 9 years.

Me- Because he's strong, smart and handsome?

She nods. I look down to the ground.

Me- Even if he's rude to you?

She goes still for a couple of seconds. Then she nods and smiles. I take out my phone and show her.

Me- I made a group chat with Abyo, Garu, you and me.

I type 'hi' to the chat and Pucca's phone goes off. She looks at it and its from the group chat. She types 'Hello!'

*Pucca POV*

I hug my phone to my chest and squeal. Now I can chat with Garu! My phone plays a measure of a song, indicating someone is calling me. I answer it and it's my Uncle Linguini. i pick it up and put it to my cheek.

Uncle Linguini- Pucca? Can you come home? We need your help.

Me- Mhmm!

Uncle Linguini- Ok, we'll see you at home!

He hangs up and I look at Ching and point to my phone then to the road that leads to my house.

Ching- Ok, I'll text you.

I nod and begin to skip home. I've never liked anyone else rather than Garu. I only like Garu and only him. Sure, I'm the girl every guy likes in Sooga Island, But I only and will only like Garu. I love Garu so much I would do anything for him. And when I say or mean anything, I mean anything...


What do you guys think? I have a crazy idea for this fanfiction! I will try to post about about once a week sinc I am also working on my OneShots abut I will do my best for both. 

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