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hi everyone! I'm back and I should be here to stay for a while, I'm going to try my best to publish at least twice every month, I know I have been slacking for a while 😭 but hear me out. There's a lot of things going on in my life and trust me it has not been easy. But I'm doing much better now! Recently I've been falling back into my Pucca era thought it would be perfect to update my stories! I really appreciate all the kind words and support that I have received even though I wasn't active. You guys are truly the sweetest! In return I plan to continue this story and finish it once for all for all of you guys to enjoy! I am also very happy to admit I've been working on my writing skills and my story construction composition. I'm so excited to continue the story with a more modified version of my writing. I intend to add more detail in to make each chapter a little longer. I also want to make it a little less jumpy. All right but enough of that, let's go right into the story ^^ if any of you have any suggestions or if there's something that you would like me to change we can definitely work that out :) any ideas and feedback is greatly appreciated :) much love to everyone! ^^
Please enjoy !
*Garu POV*
I was sick and tired of hearing Ring Ring diss on Pucca's name. She didn't deserve it at all. It wasn't her fault for my impulsive anger towards her. It was mine. It was solely my fault. I never wants took consideration of her feelings or the outcomes of the rejection I gave her. I really only took it for granted, all she ever wanted was for me to give her love and attention. She never asked for anything other than that, she is pure and full of good intentions, and I always overlooked that.

Ring Ring- she's finally off your back, aren't you happy that you are free?

Me- how can I be happy when I know that I'm the one who destroyed her.

She rolled her eyes and cross your arms. Such a pick me. I've never like people like Ring Ring. Spoiled brat who think they deserve to be praised for simply breathing. She didn't deserve any of that since she never worked hard to earn anything. All she could do was demand. And all she demanded was given to her. This exact treatment and method of raising her was what caused her to be the person she is now. I despise that of her.

Ring Ring- oh my goodness, just give her up already! There is no point in crying for her, she's made it clear she doesn't care about you. She strolling along in her scooter telling everybody how happy she has about her relationship. And here you are, crying like a child over something stupid.

She took a deep breath and exhaled while looking around. That's when she began to tap her shoe to the floorboards.

Ring Ring- listen, Garu. Your mentality isn't gonna get you anywhere. If you keep up with this behavior without moving on, you're going to stay slumped. There's nothing honorable about that. Keep that in mind, kisses.

She turned her back to me and began making her way out of the bamboo forest. She was muttering words that I couldn't make out, possibly even shit talking about me. I couldn't care less however. None of her opinions matter to me, none of them. I close the door and leave my back to it. What do I do now? I can't just sit here and pretend that everything's all right. I have to do something before I lose Pucca, for real. I took my bag and my sword and made my way over to Ching's house.

*Abyo POV*

I started to feel a little concerned over my relationship. Everything was going so well but now she's overthinking everything. I feel like she regrets getting with me. I get it she might feel bad for her best friend but her best friend should know that as long as she's happy, she shouldn't care. We were all friends to begin with. Pucca and I are happy, so why doesn't Ching get with Garu? I clapped my hands and snapped.

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