Someone New

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Quick Reminder!

The version of Garu I used in this particular fanfiction is COMPLETELY made up from imagination! This is not how the real Garu would act, we all know that! And besides, Garu already broke his vow only to say "rock". <(DM me on Instagram for more info on that @tomiokabel )< So please, please, please! I BEG YOU! DON'T HATE ON MY BABY!!!! :(

Anyways, on to the next part!


I stare at my phone as the typing bubble with 3 dots appear. He is typing back.

Abyo- I love you Pucca

Me- I love you too Abyo

Abyo- Get some rest beautiful I'll text you in the morning.

Me- Alright.

 look at my phone and smile. A few moments later, I see that he posted on his story. He is publicly announcing our relationship. I heart it and then place my phone on my nightstand and try to get some sleep. 

*Garu POV*

I make my post and immediately begin to rub my face in frustration.

Me- What did i do? I am such an Idiot.

I continue to scroll through my feed and just do that for a while. Then I see Abyo just posted on his story. Usually he posts funny memes or whatever and I clicked on it hoping my life would enlighten at least a little. But then I saw it. Abyo was showing his relationship with someone. I was about to react with a clapping emoji until I saw her name. Pucca. He was claiming he was dating Pucca. I tap on his icon to message with him.

Me- Hey.

Abyo- Wassup?

Me- What's the deal with your story?

Abyo- Oh that. I'm dating Pucca. Why?

Me- You and Pucca?? Are a thing??? .... How??

Abyo- Yes we are a thing. Why are you acting so surprised? I've always liked her but I never said anything because YOU were always on her mind. Now that I have her, don't you dare try and make a move. You lost your chance buddy. You said it yourself. You hate her. So don't be surprised that she moved on.

Me- Don't get your hopes up Abyo. She's like me for awhile. She could be doing this to get me with her. People don't change so fast.

Abyo- Look who's talking. Says the one who immediately apologized trying to get her back through a post. What the hell man? Couldn't you have just told her in person?

Me- I was too late. Now she has to deal with some loser.

Abyo- Funny you say that. She chose this loser over you.

Abyo- Now why don't you just let her go and be happy with someone else. That's what you always wanted anyways.

I stare at my phone screen and my eyes water. He's right. I hurt her. I let her go. This is my fault. I clench my phone in my hands and toss it across the room. 

*In the morning*

*Ching POV*

I wake up and sit up on my bed. It's a beautiful day with the sun shining beautifully through my window. I open my window and let the cool wind in. Very refreshing. 

Me- Today looks like a beautiful day Won!

She squawks at me from her little bed on the side of mine. I go to my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and remove my nightwear and put a fresh purple out fit. I look in the mirror checking how I looked. I smiled. I went to my vanity mirror and did my usual braids. I put my shoes on and put Won on my head, took my phone off from charging and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Dad- Good morning Ching.

Me- Good morning Dad!

Dad- It's a beautiful day isn't it?

Me- Just stunning. 

I go sit on my seat and he places my breakfast in front of me. Won goes to get her bird feed. I happily eat up my food and skip to the door.

Me- I'm off to meet up with Pucca.

Dad- Alright, be careful dear.

Me- I will.

I walk out and Won flies to my head. I look at my phone as I walk out and begin flipping through my social media as I get closer to Pucca's house. He posted something on her story. I tap on it and my heart sinks as I read:

Finally I found the man who accepts me for me. I love you Abyo.

My jaw drops as does my heart. Pucca, who I've been friends with for years, who I confided my secret about my crush on Abyo, who I considered my sister, was now dating the man she knew I adored. I look up and see Abyo arriving to her house with a bouquet of pink tulips. I hide behind the nearest tree and watch. Pucca gets out and jumps into his arms while he kisses her cheek. I lean my back on the tree and let tears roll out. My lower lip quivers as  I begin to slowly slide down until I'm sitting on the dirt ground with my back against the tree. I cry and wipe my tears as I let my silent cry out. Won rubs her beak against my cheek in comfort. 

Me- This is not the Pucca I knew... No, this is someone new.




Sorry it took me an ETERNITY TO POST!!! But school is dragging me down with my ugly grades. I am so sorry!!!

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