CRUSH Part 4

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"Mia" I said 

"what?" she asked 

"are you mad at me?" I asked her 

"no why would I be" she said 

"okay" I said I went to homeroom after talking to Mia 

as homeroom ended my next class was math ughh I said to myself I fucking hate math 

*Lets just skip school she's at home now* 

as I got home I made myself  some pizza as I was eating my phone dinged it was Derek I smiled 

Derek: baby 🥰

Jordan: hi Derek 🤠

Derek: wht you up too wanna spend the day with me?😛

Jordan: I- Derek that's sooooo nice of you but no I'm tired  as fuck school was ass 🥺🙄

Derek:how you gonna do me like bae💔

Jordan: sorry bestieeee ily 

Derek: cap 🥺🖕 

Jordan:next timeee🙄🙄

Derek: okay 😌

I shut my phone for a little bit I sighed I went outside to get some air as I was walking I bumped with Kobe 

"sorry Kobe" I said 

"no problem I'm sorry too I should have  watched where I was going" said Kobe 

I blushed 

"so where you going?" he asked me 

"um no where I just came for a walk" I said to him 

"oh do you mind if I joined ya" he asked 

"no not at all" I said 

"so" he said 

"so" I said back to him 

"you and Derek" said Kobe 

"what about us?" I asked him 

"oh I thought you guys were a thing sense the first time we met he called you bae" he said 

"nope hahahaha no wayyyy" I said to him 

"that's good" said Kobe I stopped walking he looked at me 

"what???" he asked 

"you like me is that what your saying"  I said to him 

"so what if I like you" he said as he put his arms around my waist 

"Kobe" I whispered I took his hands and pushed it away form my body 

"sorry I gotta go" I said to him I walked back home as quickly as I could.

ChangesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora