love is not always what it seem's Part 11

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 I woke the next moring feeling cold "Nate" I called out 

"yes" he said coming out of the bathroom with towel wrapped around his waist I blushed 

"did you need something?" he asked me 

"no it's nothing" he left I felt my face turn red I got up changed my clothes into leggings and a long plaid shirt  

I went down the stairs to find my dad eating 

"dad?" I said 

"hey" he said 

"can I ask you something?" I asked him 

"yea sure thing " he said 

"can you tell me why mom's deal with my friend Kobe?" I asked him 

"honey you should ask your mother" he said 

"she's not telling me" I told him 

"it's for the better good honey" he said to me I heard footsteps coming down the stairs it was Nate looking cute as ever 

"moring," he said waving 

"moring," said my dad I just nodded my dad left the kitchen and went upstairs 

"sooo whats' for  breakfast " he said jumping up and down like a puppy 

"slow your roll's" I said he frowned at me he took my hand and lead me outside 

"let's get some coffee" he said 

"okay" I said back  we got to Starbucks and you wouldn't believe in a million years who we saw it was Derek  

shit I said to myself I pulled Nate in and gave him a long passionate kiss on the lips until Derek was outta sight as he was gone I pulled away

"yessh what was that for?" he asked me

"uhh I wanted to gave you a good luck kiss you lucky duckiee" I said to him 

"um okay" he  said he went up to take our orders he got a Frappuccino and I got a  iced pumpkin spice latte when we got home I went up and took a hot shower as I was done I changed into shorts and tshirt I went back to my room where Nate was 

"Nateee" I said he looked up at me and smiled

"yes?" he asked me he was laying on the bed I climbed  on top of him he got a hold of my hands and flipped me over he whispered in my ears 

"I would like to try kissing you angin if you don't mind " he said he climbed off me and went out the door 

I was speechless I sat up and ran my hands threw my hair and smiled I picked up my phone and texted Kobe 

Jordon: hi bicth 

Kobe: hey how you doing?

Jordon: I'm doing okay I fucking hate mia tho 

Kobe: she did steal the love of your life 

Jordon: nah she went behind my back and mike he knew but didn't tell me he told me after ugh worst of all I fell for it 

Kobe: and Vallyk so your friends really betrayed you for mia 

Jordon: we still friends right 

Kobe: yea.... 

Jordon: okay I gotta go love ya 

Kobe: ya whatever same 

I sighed this was no use thank's a lot to mia I felt tears come out of my eyes the tears became sobs Nate came in the room he walked over to me stroking my hair softly 

"hey what happened" he asked 

"I don't wanna talk about" I said choking on my tears 

"easy easy" he said rubbing my back I hugged him hader

"take your time Mama's" he said I blushed only Kobe and Derek said that to me my stomach suddenly got Butterflies

"i-" I said to him

"use your words what's going on tell me I'm not afraid to beat a bicth up" he said I smiled 

"it's okayyyy it's just some school drama" I told 

"it makes you mad than it's serious" he said 

"yea not really" I said my phone started ringing the caller was Derek 

"excuse me Nate" I said I went to the bathroom and locked the door 

"Derek the fuck do you want" I said to him 

"yessh Kobe told me everything" he said 

"so?" I asked him 

"if you liked me why didn't you tell me?" he asked 

"Derek fine you wanna know something I did like you but go be the dumb ass  you can havet that hoe of yours I don't want you no more you bicth-ass you never meant anything to me you only think of yourself I cant believe I even liked you and mia ugh that bicth I cant!!" I yelled at him 

"I'm sorry I really I'm you were just to late" said a females voice 

"mia???" I said 

"hi bicth did you miss" she said 

"ugh you two really belong with each other" I told her 

"please open your eyes already I had the whole crew" she said 

"lame ass hoe I hope you die in Krama" I said and with that I closed my phone I sighed and unlocked the door I went back to my room and cuddled with Nate he gave my neck soft kisses than he put his hands on my thighs  and...........................

JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA bless your eyes for reading dat  A/N: yall really thought 

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