unknown son :( Part 19

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"Nate you're pulling on my hair too hard yeesh" I said to him 

"Sorry " he said 

I rolled my eyes 

"you okay I  know it's been hard for you," he said snuggling his head on my chest 

"yeah I'm gonna be fine I think," I said stroking his hair 

"you gotta stop thinking about someone to let them go" he said 

"you think it's that easy?" I asked him 

"maybe who knows at the end it's all up to you," he said 

I walked to the bathroom to change and todo my daily hygiene I yawned as I got out of the bathroom 

"well I'm going to hell see ya later" I said to Nate 

"you're still going to school," he said 

"yep I can't avoid him forever yeesh," I said as I went downstairs and waited for the bus usually Derek picks me up but....

as the dusty musty bus came I got inside I sat all the way in the back keeping a low profile 

"hey can I sit here," said  a voice I looked to see Addison

"yeah," I said moving over   

"you okay? "asked Addison  

"yep just adjusting," I said putting a fake smile on my face 

"Okay," she said slowly I saw Mike as I went into the cafe he called my name 

"hey Jordon" he said 

"hi" I said coldly he flinched 

"you okay this is not like you I'm worried," he said 

"nah its nothing" I said 

"Jordon heyy" said Kobe walking over to me he pulled me into a hug I felt tears coming out but I fought them 

"Kobe I'm fine, "I told him 

"its okay to feel this Jordon Dereks an asshole who gives a fuck about him," said Kobe 

"thanks, I gotta go to my class," I said 

*skip school MF :) * 

I walked home with Kobe after a few while we  went back home 

"mom I'm home," I said  I looked around to find suitcases on the floor I wonder what's going 

"Natee"I called out 

"Jordon?" he asked I gave him a hug he stoked my hair 

"why is there suitcases?" I asked him 

"shit I forgot to tell you I'm going back home," he said 

"When are you going back?" I asked him 

"tomorrow I just packed a few things left out the others," he said 

"can we you know" I said he looked at me with confusion 

"what are you talking about?" he asked 

"if its gonna be your last day I wanna spent it right," I said he looked at me and smiled 

" if fact were gonna watch Riverdale, "I said 

"your kidding," he said 

" your watching Riverdale with me," I said happily I dragged him into the living room he rolled his eyes 

after a few while my mom came home 

"mom where have you been, "I said to her 

"uh work I need to talk to you," she said 

"okay" I said we went upstairs to my room I locked the door 

"So what's the news?" I asked her 

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I'm sorry that  never told you this but Kobes your bother he's been my secret child," she said 

" you kept this from me because of what," I said 

"I didn't wanna hurt you," she said

" that's too bad," I said 

"well I'm gonna go," she said 

so many thoughts were going inside my head Nate opened my door and sat on the bed with me he looked at me 

"you okay your mom just left the house," he said I shook my head sadly he bent down and whispered  in my ear you need a distraction

he pushed my hair back I grabbed his shirt I kissed his neck softly he moaned he took off my shirt he kissed me harder I groaned he sucked on my neck giving me a hickey  he rubbed my leg at a fast pace he kissed my belly all the way down my thighs he threw my legs around his waist I took his shirt off to reveal his 6 pack I kissed his lips angin 

"baby you turn me on," he said I groaned his name 

"say my name louder," he said roughly as he grinded on my body 

"Nate" I said softly 

"Nah baby that's not my mine," he said as he kissed me his hands roamed my body 

"ugh Nate get off me" I said 

"what happened," he said 

" my mom told me, Kobes, my bother," I told him 

"that's tuff" he said shaking his head 

" Yeah I'm tried" I said I put my shirt back on and fell asleep. 

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