Attention Part 17

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I looked at Derek sleeping next to me I smiled and brushed his curls out of  his face 

"babyyyyy" said Derek looking at me 

"hm what is it?" I asked he yawned 

"you're so beautiful in  the morning," said Derek as he softly stroked my hair I blushed 

"not to bad your self," I said I snuggled my body between's Derek's body 

"stop teasing me Mama's," said Derek 

"bicth you're horny," I said to him 

"nah" he said his hands moved around my waist I was on top of him 

"Derek" I said playing with his hair

"yea?" he asked me 

"I gotta go take a shower me and Asddion are meeting up at the park" I said 

"do you half to go cant we stay in your bed please" said Derek

"next time or maybe later," I said 

"you best put your clothes on your driving mee" I said to Derek 

I got up before he could say no I walked over to the bathroom and did my hygiene and I wore this:

I got up before he could say no I walked over to the bathroom and did my hygiene and I wore this:

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"awww you look so cute" said Derek 

"yeah right," I said to him as I added some lipstick and eyeliner 

"you ready?" he asked me 

"yup" I told him he took my hand as went down the stairs

"Last one to the car is a rotten egg," Derek said as he raced down the steps flying out the door 

"Derek!!!" I yelled after him as I was running after Derek I bumped into Nate 

"whoa slow down Jordon what's the rush," said Nate he lifted me up 

"Nate put me down," I said he started tickling my belly 

"NATEeeee ugh boy stop it hurts badly," I said laughing and crying at the time 

"Jordon I miss us and your  spending so much time with your boyfriend and I-" he said I looked at him 

"Jordon you ready it's been hours," said Derek he saw that Nates hands were on my waist 

"oh I'm sorry was interrupting something," he said as he walked away 

"Derek wait Derek" I called after him 

"sorry Nate we can talk later when I get home Derek," I said  I ran to meet up with him 

I touched his arms he pulled away I grabbed his face 

"baby look at me," I said to him

"what?" he asked me 

"look me and Nate we weren't doing anything he was just talking to me" I said to him 

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