Chapter One

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The picture is of her first child ok I'll just put pictures of her children.


I feel like I am going to burst any second. But I still have nine days. Unbelievable. Maria and me are giving birth in nine days. I can't wait to feel the adrenaline rush sorry I sound crazy. But when you're locked up in a facility with only staff and 20 other girls to talk to you kind of lose your mind. We get updates of our children every month. A picture of how are there doing. Who are they living with and the whole shebang.

David my first baby daddy. Is the boss of this whole thing can you believe it he takes care of our daughter and I can not even visit her. He said I was perfect to have a child with vibrant red hair glowing blue eyes pale skin and a petite yet curvy figure.

"Come on Penny stop lagging we have to go to our checkup. " Maria said dragging me along with her barely visible baby bump. 2 months isn't long enough for that. Even though the baby comes out at 2 months old. We have to get a checkup every week to make sure we are healthy.

"Coming I'm coming calm down. " I said as she kept on dragging me down the hall and finally the checkup room came into view. Maria pushed open the door and there was Dr. Hansel. There is only man staff.

"Hey Hans we came for our checkup. " I said even though I know he knew this already.

"Yes yes close the door behind you. Maria you are first. " Dr. Hansel said beckoning her over. The checkup is we go through a scan if there is any abnormalities then they get checked hands on.

I waited about 2 minutes before Maria came back.

"Your turn Pen come on in. " Dr. Hansel beckoned me in. This is the worst part of all the girls day when you are close to giving birth sometimes it turns into a miscarriage.

"So how has it been anything bad other than cramps nausea headache regular pregnancy stuff?" He asked as we walked over to the scanner.

"Nope I'm good. " I said smiling. I think I had one of his children too. He has black hair and green eyes. The child has black hair and blue eyes it was a girl.

"So if you may step through the scanner. " He said gesturing toward the scanner. I stepped through the scanner feeling tingly.

"Well you are doing good Penny. Nothing no abnormal behavior going on in there. " Hansel said smiling.

"Thanks I'll see you at dinner right?" I asked smiling back.

"I'm not sure but I'll try just for you. " He said smiling flirtatiously. Hansel was no is a flirt with anyone and thing. Boy or girl plant or tree. I remember when he flirted with the plant creepy. He said' Oh hey there with those sexy green leaves and that tender brown skin I could just eat you right now' like I said creepy.

I left the checkup room and there was Maria waiting for me. Looking kind of upset.

"What the hell took you so long?" She asked in Spanish.

"I asked Hans if he was coming to dinner. " I said in English.

"I swear girl you need to get over him. " She said in English.

"I do not like him. " I said blushing slightly I have slight crush on him but that's it.

"Keep telling yourself that. " She said rolling her eyes. Mumbling something along the lines of lord help this girl in Spanish. When Maria came here she was very quiet the more she stayed the louder she got.

I'm really hoping I have triplets so I can leave I really hope Maria has twins so she can leave with me. Having quadruplets is more likely than having triplets in this facility. Maybe I will get quadruplets. Maria and I walked to our bed room. I was known for how least likely it is for me to have only one child. Makes the process easier. All my children are known for their beauty. I remember having one mini me. With red hair and blue eyes with a petite figure she is growing beautifully. Her name is Emily.

We both sat on our beds while Maria listened to Spanish music in her earphones and studied. I practiced dancing I could dance really good well I think so. I love ballet I just think it is very romantic.

This is our routine and it gets tiring but it's whatever you do whatever you can.

Baby Maker(On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ