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I match you up with...

Kyojuro Rengoku!

-Your childishness and his inner child work, they just do

-I know in most of my matchups I do opposites but every relationship is different and special, and every so often we have those are so alike it's uncanny

-Since you two are so alike you both don't see the continuation of pointless fights, and you both enjoy doing the same things, *chief kiss* nice duo we got here folks

-I don't know how you two would meet exactly, I'll leave that up to your imagination, but it HAD to do food. HAD to.

-You may not share your food, and in fact don't want anyone else touching it, but Kyojuro being the big boy he normally gets way to much, he eats all of it anyway most of the time because we don't waste food here, but I'd imagine he'd give a few pork slices up for you.

-And I'd like to mention right from the start, he is NEVER one to compare to others, he knows what it's like to put on high expectations and being the excellent teacher he is, knows that not everybody needs that/ or wants that

-Skipping introduction and going right into the relationship, when I mean you two alike, I MEAN you two are alike.

-He sees you as a remarkably strong person maybe physically, maybe not, but I mean mentally, you have a solid mindset that he can respect.

-You know your place and you know what your capable of, and even then, you could break free from that a push yourself further when you want to.

-You have a kind soul and soul, putting family before anything, he sees himself in you, he sees in mother in you.

-He doesn't know what to do with himself around you

-"Y/n! I'm in love with you!"

-"...We've been together for 2 years Kyojuro..."

-Every day is like reliving a different first date, or falling in love a different way, over, and over, and over again.

-I can guarantee you that almost every day is different with him

-He's a very... different man... to put it simply

-He just built different.

- Though... even the 'Perfect' couples have their issues, because even perfect as it's problems.

-He is... so loud... like boi... chill

-You can get pretty irritable around him when he gets overly excited about something, though it is very hard to stay mad at the happy fire owl looking cutie


-Everybody has their days where you can just snap at him

-Of course, you feel horrible after you see his confused puppy dog face.

-He'll understand and do his best to try and stay quiet, by talking quietly... more like loudly whispering but ok, he's trying that's what matters

-He is a very touchy-feely guy, he is always touching you

-Playing with your hair, hand on your shoulder, holding your hand, head on your chest

-Sometimes you don't even know he's touching you, he is surprisingly sneaky lil shi-

-He loves smothering you in smooches, putting up your hair? Sneaks a peck on the back of your neck. He's leaving on a journey? Really quick but deep smoochie.

-Touchy Touchy Touchy--

-Even though when it comes to medical stuff he's about as useful as a sandpaper dild--

-BUT! He knows the basics! So when you fall (Clumsily) and he's not there to catch this time, he'll patch up your little scrapped knee


-To the best of his ability...

-Insecure you say? yEaH... like that's gonna last long...

-Compliments every day, and they come in all different shapes and form

-Won't go into detail about NSFW but... HUGE Praise kink... and not for him

-Can't help himself... mostly because he can't ever be quiet

-He won't let you travel with him often because his line of work is very much dangerous, but you not the type of person to sit still at home so he'll do his best to make time to take you to different places in Japan that he's been before.

-Overall... you two are pretty domestic, wake up with kisses and family breakfast, loud family chaos... vewy cutw uwu


Tengen Uzui

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