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This is a platonic matchup btw


I match you up with...!


-Ok ok! Hear me out!

-He barely gets any manga time so I know there isn't much to go on but listennnnn

-You said most friends you have are online right? Well Senjuro is friends with Tanjiro but they almost never talk in person, they're always sending letters to each other

-So talking to him is pretty much in your comfort zone... I mean of course, you've seen him in person once or twice but it was super awkward for both of you

-But he was super sweet and nice and he made you some Ongiri

-So, of course, you had to stay friends but talked more over letter, he loves talking to you and he thinks your pretty funny

-More entertaining than his daily dose of housewife chores, it brings some spice to his otherwise boring life.

-The spice he lost when Kyojuro started going on missions and was almost never home

-You suck it up sometimes to go visit him, and after a couple of years really the only stopping you from visiting him every week was his less than likable dad hanging around. 

-But he enjoys your company when you do visit and he's sweet to really be offended by anything you say, he'll just tell you doesn't like it without really being bothered

-He doesn't wanna chance way someone he likes being around

-And I'm almost certain you introduce him to things he's never got to do before, and tell him stuff that happens outside of the estate.

-Truly his like has some flavor now that you're in it



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