Chapter 5 - It Was Only Just a Dream

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Credit: @titanwizardfiona on Instagram

Ahh~ Finally. Today's the day- my high school graduation. My treacherous days are finally over... other than the fact that I still have my psychic powers. But, they could prove to be possibly useful on multiple different occasions and could help me take one step forward towards my dream.

*** Time Skip ***

Today's the day I attend PK College Academy- one step closer to my dream. You may think it sounds silly, that I have a dream. In fact, let me tell you, I have a dream. A dream to open my own coffee jelly business!

By going to college, I can major in business and learn the knowledge to build up my own coffee jelly business. It would definitely be a huge success.

Although, I don't mean to take advantage of my own psychic powers by using telepathy. But with telepathy, I can produce different goods to satisfy my audience's needs.

It's the perfect plan.

*** Time Skip ***

It's been a couple of years since I graduated from PK College Academy and I've been working my best to help build my company from the ground up. I've already created a solid business plan but all I needed was good funding.

I would have loved to go out with a big BANG. But out of all the choices I thought of, I think the best choice is to just start out small. That way, funding with my own money (from the bank and my other family and friends) will be much easier to manage.

I was thinking of possibly starting a food truck. It would be easy to manage and can be placed at a farmer's market. I'm sure my coffee jelly will attract the many ladies who do their grocery shopping there. I mean who can resist a good tasting coffee jelly.

I've already got a decent design plan for the truck but I just need some co-workers to help me get the business going.

My phone suddenly goes off. Ring ring. Ring ring. I look at the caller ID: Nendou. Should I pick it up or just leave him hanging?

Oh... too late.

I picked up the call. 'Hello?' I asked, sharing my telepathy.

"Oh! Hey pal!" Nendou said, happily. "I heard you were starting a business, and I wondered if you needed any help."

Oi, oi, oi. Who told him I was starting a business? Was it mom? Or was it dad? Well, I don't think that really matters anymore. It's now time for the big question: Should I have him help me or not?

Other than the fact that I'm unable to predict his movements and he's stupid and...well, nevermind.

I shared my telepathy with him, 'No.'

"Ehh?? Why not, pal?"

'Because I said so,' I said before hanging up, feeling annoyed.

To be honest, I simply just have too many bad memories of him.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

Ah- there goes my phone again. I looked at the caller ID: Kaidou. Oh God please kill me. I picked up the call.

"Yo, Saiki!" Kaidou shouts.

Oh, my poor eardrums. 'What?' I asked, sharing my telepathy.

"I heard you were starting a business. I thought you might need my help. Actually, you never know when the Dark Reunion would come around."

Dark Reunion? Again? How disappointing. Not a single change since high school.

'No. I don't need your help.' I said before I hung up.

Our Love is Blooming (Saiki K. x Coffee Jelly)Where stories live. Discover now