Chapter 1

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HTTYD:RtDE-Ride Along

"Hello? What's this?" Heather Berserker opened the flap to a tent. The green, blue and pink glows had sparked her interest. She wasn't meaning to intrude, but it concerned her after there was a crushing sound.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. Just dropped something. No biggie."

Heather still couldn't see who was speaking until a head popped out from behind a desk. The figure was masked and had a large overcoat. Standing up, the figure set a large book on the desk. Even with all his gear, the figure still seemed to be rather short. The person stopped.

"Wait... you're not one of our men... Who are you?" He flipped up his metal mask, revealing a young, still childish face. It explained his height, but Heather had difficulty hiding her surprise.

"I could ask the same for you." The young woman tilted her head. The boy scowled at her. She shook her head. "I am Heather Berserker. I am working under Viggo, or hired by Ryker. I am their top warrior."

"Oh! I heard your name mentioned once or twice. They say you can really swing an axe." he shrugged as he put his mask on his desk and started to take off his overcoat. It revealed just how thin he was. It reminded her of Hiccup, almost, when they first met. His clothing was even somewhat similar, at least color wise.

"If you don't mind me saying, I believe Ryker failed to inform me just how young he hired hands."

The boy chuckled nervously. "Oh, I'm not a hired hand. It's more like Ryker is stuck with me. If it weren't for my father, Ryker would have gotten rid of me a long time ago."

The boy said this so casually like it was some petty family feud. That thought made her freeze. "Who is your father?"

He looked at her a moment and tilted his head. "Right. I guess I forgot to introduce myself. I am Varian Grimborn, Son of Viggo Grimhorn."

"Once again, Ryker failed to inform me of any information on relatives until he mentioned Viggo was actually his brother. I learned from Viggo that Ryker is the older brother. Now Viggo has a son, and Ryker a nephew. That means there has to be a wife, right?" Heather rubbed her chin. "Am I missing a member to the family?"

"Uh, nope. You won't be running into my mother either... she's been gone for a long time." Varian looked down.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, I don't have a mother either. It's just me and my annoying brother. Though, I think he mentioned I had a sister I never met, but what's new?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes at mentioning Dagger.

"Meh." He shrugged. "I don't remember my mother much."

"So... what's this?" She pointed to a pile of vials on the basket, which were the cause of the multiple colors glowing.

"Oh, those are my glow chemicals. You shake them and they become brighter than a lantern. They eventually fade, but they're super easy to make."

"So you're an alchemist?" Heather pressed.

Varian's eyes lit up. "Exactly! No one ever gets the term right!"

She chuckled. "Let me pass you a little secret that I don't let people usually know about me. Alchemy is a little side hobby of mine. I was more involved with it before my guardians died..." she gently picked up a green vial. "I just haven't advanced in it really."

"You're being honest?" Varian's eyes widened and sparkled with genuine interest.

She chuckled softly and nodded. Her eyes caught sight of a bluish mineral on his desk. "Is that Fornacite?"

HTTYD-TTS: Ride AlongWhere stories live. Discover now