Chapter 4

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I apologize for the delay.

I don't own the video.


"I can't see the algae trail, but we should be getting close," Heather said as she looked out the window.

"Oh, we are, Heather. In fact, we're almost there. Exciting, isn't it?" Viggo said carelessly.

Varian glanced at his father, immediately picking up his twisted words. He knew his father well enough to know when his father knew something that others didn't. That he had something planned to blow up in their faces when they expected to take him by surprise. This was Heather, though. She was different than the others. What was going on? Unless... no. She couldn't be. Impossible.

Suddenly, Varian could hear catapults being launched as well as shouting. They weren't alone. There were Dragon Riders, as well as their own fleet. He looked directly at Heather who hard whirled around at Viggo.

You set this whole thing up!" She accused the chief.

Viggo merely held up a Maces and Talon's piece. "He's called the "imposter". Some call him the "traitor". I thought you should have it. As a parting gift. Pity, really. I had hoped you'd be a better adversary. And after we got off to such a smashing start."

"How did you know?" Heather asked at last.

"I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you," Viggo explained. "You're no Dragon Hunter, my dear. Aw, don't despair. At least your friends will all be dead by the time we arrive."

Heather pulled out her axe. Varian stepped back, his eyes wide. She caught a glance his face and how it was written with utter betrayal. She shouldn't have let him trust her, but she promised herself that she wasn't going to harm Viggo permanently for Varian's sake. At least, not yet.


"Now, on my command, fire! Don't let them out of your sight this time!" Dagur cried.

"Keep closing in on them. They'll lead us right to the Flightmare," Ryker added.

"Hiccup, there's too many of them!" Asrtid exclaimed as she barely dodged an arrow.

"And the Flightmare really isn't helping," Fishlegs pointed out as the blue glow of the dragon illuminated them, causing them to become easy targets. It kept flying in their way as well, making things more difficult than what they needed to be.

"We'll be fine as long as we stay away from its mist," Hiccup replied.

Tuffnut raised a hand. "Hiccup, can't you just let it know we're the good guys?"

"Yeah. Tell it to come in for the big win!" Ruffnut agreed.

Hiccup thought a moment, his eyes suddenly lighting up. "You guys are brilliant!"

"I don't know about brilliant," Tuffnut began smugly. "But we do have a certain glow about us. Get it? 'Cause of our faces." He pointed to his face that was covered in the blue algae.

"And the brilliance is short-lived," Hiccup muttered. "Follow me!"

The Dragon Hunters watched from the ship. Dagur crossed his arms. "He is persistent. You have to give him that," he said, referring to Hiccup.

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