as war wages on

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I see Fred's body laying on the floor with a laugh playing on his face. I walk up and sit on my knees beside his motionless body.

" Dam it Fred! You said you wouldn't do this! You promised Fred.! You promised! Wake up Fred! I know you can hear me! Open your eyes! "

I take a breath and calm down . I talk to him softly remembering happy moments trying to be strong.

" Fred do you remember when we first meet. I was such a mess. I was always distante so everyone ignored me most of the time. But you, you wanted to play with me. You always wanted to be with me. You know you were part of the reason I agreed to come to Hogwarts."

Everyone looked at me astounded and unable to say a word because they've never seen me show my emotions or be so gentle with anyone. I brush his hair laughing at the memories. I pull my hand back and continue talking.

" I know you're awake, Fred. "

I take a dagger out I of my boot and miss on purpose hitting the floor next to his arm. With my forehead on the bud of the dagger as I cry not being able to hold it any longer. I scream hearing someone else die.

" Come on now lilly don't be like that" I feel a pair of arms gently in case me.

" Lilly I'm sorry. I know it was wrong and that I promised but you know me. I just wanted to hear that calm gentil voice of yours again ."

" I just don't want to see you dead."

( Fred's point of view) I hold her tight to my chest not ever wanting to let her go. She stops crying and leans against me

" Lilly. You have that smirk again "
" What smirk?"
" the you have when you have bloody brilliant and scary idea"
"I have no clue what you're talking about . "

She gets up even though I know she doesn't want to.

" get everyone inside. I'll explain everything later "

they do as I say and I watch her as she walks out with her hood down facing the ground. Its all going to end here.

Lillie Black's lifeWhere stories live. Discover now