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( Fred's point of view.)

*10 years ago*

Georgie and I are playing and running around in the field. When we see what looks like a wolf. We run inside to tell mummy. Georgie's runs upstairs and I watch the field. But what comes out from the wheat is little kid probably around the age if five. The kids take two steps a collapses.

"Mummy." I say as I run out to the kid. I put her on my back and carry her into the house and lay her on the couch. Everyone comes to see but mum shoos them away so she can fix the little girl.

Mum finishes and tells everyone to leave the girl alone. I sat by her a watch making sure nothing happened. She looks so cute peaceful and innocent. I stroke her hair gently and she scrunched up a bit then falls back asleep.

A few hours later she makes dinner and I watch. Mum comes down and calls everyone down to eat. I take a plate for her and myself and head outside to sit beside her. I place her plate in front of her. " You should eat something" she nods and takes a small bit of chicken.

" I'm Fred. What's your name. "


"That's nice. I like it."

I smile at her and she gives me a small smile back. Maybe it was the start of something great.

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