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I come down to see Lillie making breakfast. When I look at the table there are 2 extra plates.

" Lillie are you eating with us?"
" yes but only because we have a visitor. "
" who? "
" he's in the living room"

I walk to the living room to find an old man smiling at me.

" hello Fred. I'm professor Dumbledore. Head master at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wuzardry ." I nod and tell him to come sit for breakfast and went to get the others.

" mum there is a strange man named Dumbledore waiting for us." Mum nods and we all go down stairs. They greet each other and we all sit down.

" Dumbledor what bring you here?"

" I was looking for Lillie and thought I might stop by. By the way Lillie this meal is outstanding. You really do amaze me every time I eat one of your meals. " she nods. I look at her confused.

( Lillie's point of view)

I go outside and Dumbledore comes shortly after.

" Lillie you have to leave if your going to see him. "
" I'll leave the after tomorrow"
"Any particular reason ?"
" tomorrow is Fred and Georges Birthday " he nods and says goodbye.

I sit there starring at the field in front. "Lillie. Is everything okay ?" Fred sits down beside me.
" yeah everything's okay. I just need to leave in two days"
" why?"
" I'm going to see my god father "
" will you come back?"
" if you want me too"
" please do"
"then I'll see you in two weeks. "

( fred's point of view) I smile and pull her in. My arm raped around hers and her head on my shoulder.

The next morning George and I wake up and run down stairs.
" happy birthday" we all eat cake and laugh.
"Fred, George I got you two something. " Lillie hands us a box. We open it and it explodes. We all laugh and then she gives us each a little box.

" these are your real presents " we open them to find pen like things. Mine was red with f on it and George's was green with g on.

" what are they?"
" push the letter" we push the letter and it opens up into a piece of glass.
" its like parchment only better. You can plat games and write plan pranks on it."

We open the rest of our presents and then spend the day trying to figure out our new toy.

We were all woken up early the next morning by howling we go down stairs to be stopped by mum. Lillie comers down and runs to the wolf and hugs it.
" Lillie dear please get away from the dog " ignoring mum she smiles at the dog "
its good to see you padfoot. " the wolf turns into a man.
" Lillie get away from that man now!" " its okay. He isn't who you think he is. He is not a killer "
" Lillie who is he ?"
"This is Sirius black"

" hello. sorry if a woke you all up. Dumbledor told me that Lillie was here" the man was well dressed and looked like a well mannered man. " "you promise to brinbg her back?" He laughs a little
" promise"

We hug Lillie goodbye.

A week later I ask if we can visit Hogwarts. The next day we go to see Hogwarts. Me and George our running when we run into Lillie. For the rest of the day Lillie shows us around the castle.

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