4 years later

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(George's point of view )

4 years past and Lillie continues to travel around the world. She would visits us every once and a while. It is a hot summer day and we were all eating breakfast when our owl come flying in.

" oh Fred and George look you got letters!" Mum hands us each a letter. We open them and read them. We have been accepted to attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Lillie pops thrue the door and mum screams.
" Lillie how many times have I told you not to do that"
"sorry Molly" Lillie says hoppinbg over to us.

She raps her arms over Fred's shoulders. She looks over his shoulder to see the letter.

" you two are going to Hogwarts. Thee best magic school around. Trust me".

She hugs Fred then me and walks off to talk to our father.

( Lillie's point of view )

I walk over to Auther, he gives me a small box and whispers
" keep it hidden til the time is right" I nod and walk back to the others. Fred gets up and takes me outside.

( Fred's point of view )

I take Lillie outside so we can talk. I hold her hand and look down at her and trace my finger over her cut cheek. She lens her head toward my hand and gives a little smile.

" Lillie what going to happen now? I'm going to be gone for a really long time. Will I see during the school year?" She looks at me and smiles again.

" I'll be around. I could pop into the dorm commen room when I visit. I have all the password after all I did create them." I smile knowing she means it. I hug her and give her a little startle.
" Just don't get killed and stay out of trouble. Okay?"
" I promise I won't get killed but I can't promise staying out of trouble."

After that we hung out a bit then we were off to school. Things where pretty boring without her. But when she came down it made everything fun.

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