Chapter 1

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The moon was shining and it illuminated down other three people who were sitting on a rock wall. Noises echoed from inside a building next to them, a high school prom. The music danced in the air as one of the people nodded their head along with it.

"Someone explain why I had to come with you two?" A blue eyed girl sighed as she fingered her bracelet. The seashell charm on it dangling precariously.

The other girl sitting next to her let out a puff of air and a grin. "Cmon Alice don't be a downer, extractions are fun and an excuse to get out of camp."

Alice rolled her eyes and pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't mind extractions, but usually with you two something blows up."

"Son of Hephaestus and a crazy daughter of Athena- what else do you expect?" The brown haired boy asked as he continued tinkering with something in his hands. "It's in our nature."

A sigh escaped the brunette's lips, "Maybe for you yeah, but Flare you of all people should know to be smarter than that."

A snort left the blonde, "I'm street smart, not book smart. There's a difference Alice." She said before moving to stand up and stretch. "And why do we have to wear fancy clothes, I just want my sweatpants, shorts, and t-shirts back."

"Says the one who still manages to ace every test." Alice said teasingly. Nudging the girl's shoulder. "And we have to wear this to blend in, it should only take about an hour then we can go back to camp and just chill."

"Thank gods." She drawled out. Brushing off her ashy colored shirt she started walking towards the door, her pale yellow skirt swayed after her. "Show time you two. Las time to blow something up!"

Alice followed as best she could in her flowing blue dress that fell like waves, her hair was in a messy braid with little strands flowing around. Las was in a black suit with red tints in it. His watch was gleaming on his wrist as he fiddled with it.

Slipping into the school was the easy part, it barely had any security since it was a school prom, so the trio blended in quite well. The harder part was locating the students to extract. Loud noises rang throughout, causing Flare to wince and rub at her ears. Blue and silver decorations sprinkled the halls.

"Bepper!" Flare said waving an arm to the disguised boy. The satyr glanced up before a small smile appeared on his face. She jogged over to him, Las and Alice splitting up to mingle in with the sea of teens. "Where are they?"

He inclined his head towards a quartet of people standing in the corner. "The two girls, twins, are Alexis and Waddup. The other two are Pyro and Ukiy."

Flare softly bit her lip a grim look settling onto her face, "Four of them? That's a lot in one place." Her eyes wandered over to them, they just seemed to be having fun. The girl frowned a bit, the fun wasn't going to be fun for long. "Would it be weird for you to introduce me to them? Are you close with them or not?"

Bepper seemed to ponder the question for a moment before finally nodding, "We are kinda close, more like acquaintances but I can hold a conversation with them." He started guiding Flare towards them, the girl nodding to Alice and Las who she found easily in the crowd.

"Any mo-"

"Two teachers as monsters." Bepper interrupted her glancing around. "Gym teacher, pretty buff guy. And the other is a librarian an older lady. The man is a cyclops, and I'm pretty sure the lady is an empousa. Not entirely sure though. Don't look but one is next to the DJ booth, the other is near the exit. I don't think they want any of them leaving. They haven't totally confirmed them, but my presence seems to be solidifying their belief."

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