Chapter 3

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The three demigods raced towards the chariot that they just landed on a random hill they found. They just let the mist do what it usually did. No mortal would question a random chariot on a hill, it was just how the world worked.

"The dress is so stupid." Alice huffed, hitching up her blue dress in an attempt to run better. "Last time I'm wearing one of these on an extraction mission."

"Not my fault we actually had to blend in with the stupid event. Gods boys have it so easy with just a suit. Good thing I convinced you not to actually wear heels." Flare retorted, holding a hand over her left eye. The blood was still slowly oozing out of it, yet at a much much slower rate.

Within a couple more minutes they spotted the chariot, the large vehicle already holding the four teens and the satyr. 

Flare climbed into the front seat, with Alice beside her. Las practically dove into the back of it startling the rest of the group. "Hold on tight." Las warned the four that they picked up, red specks flickering in his eyes.

"Kelp, Algae lets ride." Alice commanded as the two jet black pegasi started running into the air. Their wings beating fast as the chariot lifted off the ground.

"Will somebody explain what the hell is going on?!" Someone shouted. The source of the voice being Pyro. Wind whipped around them, his red hair flying everywhere. 

Alexis backed the boy up, "Yeah who even are you people!?" She barked. Her eyes showing her inner turmoil. She was gripping Waddup's hand, not letting go anytime soon. And Ukiy's face was as pale as a ghost. 

Las's eyes were fixed on the horizon behind them as he scanned the sky for airborne monsters. "Welcome to the world of demigods. Your in for a treat." He said bitterness and sarcasm tainting his voice. "Sorry we had to do this to you, but you would've been killed otherwise. As you saw your two teachers were monsters."

"Demigods?" A soft voice asked, and Las couldn't quite placed who it came from. He turned and looked at the group of teens.

He cleared his throat and attempted to brush his bangs out of his eyes. "You know those Greek gods, the monsters, the heroes? It's all true. Every since last bit of it, no matter how much we wish it weren't. You four are demigods, children of the gods because they just want to bang every attractive person they can get their hands on. Heroes in the making." Las said making jazz hands and shaking them with no ounce of enthusiasm. 

As Las said that the thunder rumbled from above them and Alice let out a curse. "LAS STOP THAT YOU KNOW I DON'T WANT TO BE FUCKING BLASTED OUT OF THE SKY." Her brown hair just floated everywhere, her ocean blue eyes scanned the sky searching for their destination. 

Las hummed slightly, looking backwards off the chariot. "Flare we've got incoming." He warned. In the distance flying monsters were chasing the group of demigods. 

"Fuck." Flare groaned out. "Las take my spot, Alice keep the pesagi steady." Climbing to the back, Las helped her a bit before he jumped into the front seat. The blonde slid off her ring once more and the bow appeared. She shut an eye and drew back the string. 

A screech came from one of the monsters as an arrow was embedded in them, and they disappeared in a shower of golden dust. Flare like out a small breath another arrow appearing already notched. 

All of a sudden one of the harpies gained an incredible burst of speed and made it to the chariot aiming to swipe at one of the new arrivals. It was swiftly left with a boot to the face as both the harpie and Flare tumbled off the chariot. The pair were grappling with one another as the harpie disappeared in a flash of gold. In a flash of rage, the other harpies taking the opportunity to dive down after the gray eyed warrior.

A yelp escaped Alexis, staring in horror at the falling pair. "Bepper- your friend just jumped off the chariot."

"SHE DID WHAT NOW!?" Alice demanded whipping around, having overheard Alexis. Her eyes widening as she saw they were short one passenger. "THAT IDIOT." Her voice being carried away by the wind. A huff escaped her as she turned her attention to their destination on the horizon.

Mistress we can go back for her after we arrive at camp.

Do we have tooooooo.

Yes shut up you idiot. Any friend of mistress is a friend of ours.

"Thanks Kelp, I'll leave you to that then." Alice said with a grateful sigh. Sparing a glance down to the forest floor. "She can be such an idiot sometimes."

A smirk twitched onto Las's face attempting to mask the worry that was clear in his eyes. "She's our idiot though."

A small laugh left Alice, "She is." Flicking the reins once again, the pegasi started decending into an open field. Cabins standing tall along the treeline. The pegasi dove down landing softly on the ground. Their hooves tapped softly and Alice tugged the reins off of Kelp. "Go get her." She murmured, the pegasi dipping its head and leaping into the air. 

"Four of them?" A quiet voice asked. Though it was certainly not soft in the slightest. Las turned his head waving a hand at a boy sitting in the shadows fiddling with a pocket knife. His brown eyes stared calculatingly at the new arrivals. "And where is Flare? Did she go with you?"

"She jumped off the chariot fighting harpies." Las said with a dismissive wave. "Kelp is going back to get her."

A small hum left the boy, as he stood up shoving the pocketknife into the pocket of his orange hoodie. The boy was rather tall, sidestepping a branch to avoid smacking his head against it. He brushed the leaves out of his hair before walking away. "I'll go get Chiron for you guys," He stopped for a moment before adding an afterthought. "and a healer." The boy observed Alice an Las's states and jogged off to find the centaur.

"Thanks Swaeshy." Las called out waving to his friend. A smile twitched onto the tall boy's face as he offered a wave back. Turning his attention back to the new arrivals, Las helped them off the chariot. Some with shaky legs, others more stone-faced. 

"Well, as much as I hate to say it." Las started to speak sweeping an arm at the many cabins in the area. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

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