Chapter 2

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"Let's do this." Las stepped out in front of the two girls as his flamethrower started spewing fire everywhere. Kei's tail swiped through the fire dissipating it from in front of her. Waving his left hand in front of him, Las jerked his hand towards the cyclops. The fire responding to his movement. Golden flames twirled around, pulsing dangerously.

Pulling two coins from his pocket he threw them onto the ground. Trembling the coins slowly expanded into metal machines. "You think you can take me and my machines? Good luck with that."

Seeing as the cyclops could be handles, the two girls turned their attention to the empousa standing before them.

Alice swung her trident out commanding the water in the fountain to rise up. Her eyes started glowing an electric blue as the water started to take shape. Kei ran forwards to stop the girl from completing the process but Flare engaged her. Her bow transforming back into her ring, she pulled out a knife that was hidden in the waistline of her skirt.

Knife against claws. A dangerous dance between two seasoned combatants. Small blows were dealt to either side. A small cut on Flare's chest, a slice on Kei's leg. Minor injuries, but nonetheless they would take a toll.

Kei swung her claws towards Flare and the girl went into a back handspring to dodge the incoming attack. The move failed when Kei grabbed her foot and slammed her into the wall of the school. A pained groan left her as she staggered to her feet. Flare's eyes flickered behind Kei for a moment before her concentration returned.

Jabbing her knife towards Kei, Flare minimized the area where Kei could possibly strike back by making herself smaller. Instead of Flare's knife hitting Kei's midsection, the monster grabbed hold of the knife. A smirk crossed over Flare's face at the action as she pushed harder.

Kei let out a pained wail as she staggered back clutching her hand that was now just golden dust. Flare let out a small, pained laugh blood still dripping down her face. "Rule number one in fighting." She held up a finger, pointing at the monster. "Never turn your back on the enemy."

Kei's yellow eyes widened slightly as she whipped around, her wings flaring. There, was Alice a huge wave surrounding her set to crash on Kei. Alice's hands were shaking from the effort as she swept the wave towards the empousa. The water swarmed around Kei, wrapping her and immobilizing her. A bead of sweat trickled down Alice's temple.

Kei thrashed, attempting to escape the foamy trap. However Alice's concentration was seemingly unbreakable. One of her strengths as it were. Her trident was on the ground next to her, forgotten, as all her strength was on making sure Kei didn't break free from the trap.

Twirling her knife in her hand, Flare took a break before launching it. The girl sagging, clutching her chest after it was thrown. Kei went deathly still, stiffening as the knife pierced her back. She turned her neck to face Flare, hatred burning in her eyes. "I'll return Athena spawn. And when I do, I'll kill-" Without finishing her sentence she dissolved into golden dust.

Alice fell to her knees panting from the effort. "Alice-" Flare cried out alarmed struggling to walk over to her. Slowly glancing up Alice say the one-eyed monster standing in front of her.

"Sister." His voice was sinister as he glared down at Alice. "You have gone against us, so you will die."

A pathetic laugh left Alice, as she tried to pull herself up. "I'm not going down that easily." The cyclops narrowed his eyes before swinging down with his fist. A clang sounded as his fist met with Alice's trident. Water pooled around her feet, as her strength gradually returned to her.

"For the last time..." A voice trailed off. "DON'T TOUCH MY FRIENDS!" Flames whirled around the cyclops as the monster tripped over his feet to back away from them. There was Las, standing with flames around him. His gaze was hardened, the reflection of fire dancing in his eyes.

Las was extremely run down. His clothes were drenched, and his bangs hung down nearly covering his eyes. His suit was incredibly wrinkled with slashes on it, blood oozing through it a little bit.

The cyclops laughed, "You've already tried that, I have a resistance to fire. Your machines have been destroyed. Hephaestus spawn aren't fighters." He gestured to the broken down heaps of metal that had been smashed apart. "And I'm the son of Poseidon you fools think you can defeat me with those puny elements?! I will destroy you!"

The flames slowly faded out as Las hummed. "I don't think you are immune to arrows." That was Flare's cue. She'd silently been standing aiming for the cyclops while Las kept him distracted. Letting the string go the arrow sailed straight through the cyclops head, causing him to dissolve. "Yeah didn't think so."

Las tilted dangerous on his feet before crumpling to the ground. Alice sprinted to the boy after regaining her strength from the water. Of course it was only temporary and in a few minutes she'd feel terrible, but that was a problem for future Alice to worry about.

Flare heaved out a sign, a whimper of pain coming from her as she picked her way over to the other two. "We've gotta get back to the chariots, as much as I wish we could rest. The five are waiting for us to get there. You've got some ambrosia in your pocket, yeah?" After confirming the statement with a nod from Las she continued. "Eat it, I can wait until we get to camp."

Growls rang out in the night as the trio stiffened. "Yeah we've gotta go now." Alice said helping Las up. "We've gotta get those guys to safety, who knows what in Hades is going after them."

Las quickly took the ambrosia out of the plastic bag in his pocket and stuffed it in his mouth. His wounds healing quickly thanks to the food of the gods. Standing up quickly he lent a helping hand to Flare.

"Let's go."

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