Chapter 4

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"Camp Half-Blood?" Alexis said weakly, her face slightly green from all the flying. It wasn't the best experience to fly on a chariot escaping a horde of harpies. "Is this some sort of sick joke- can we go back home now?" Ukiy nodded alongside her as they stepped a bit closer to Pyro.

Alice and Las both glanced at each other frowning. It wasn't pleasant to be shoved into this world without any warning. Yet it seemed like every demigod had to go through this- they had no choice in the matter. Alice batted her hair down from being stuck out in different directions, and Algae licked the side of her face. 

Bepper glanced at the group that he'd discovered. "Unfortunately this is real life. Camp Half-Blood is a safe haven for demigods. Half human half god. Your parents are the Greek gods themselves. Alice is the daughter of Poseidon, and Las is the son of Hephaestus. Flare, the one who jumped out of the chariot like an idiot is the daughter of Athena." His eyes shifted over to the pair of demigods. "You want to show them a demonstration?" The satyr questioned.

Las let out a sigh before nodding. "I'm tired so this isn't going to be as big as I'd like." He said before holding a hand out. Slowly, a fire sparked in the palm of his hand as it slowly started to grow. Flicking a finger up, the fire shot into the sky spreading apart and making crackling sounds. The tiny embers of fire floated to the ground and once Las snapped his fingers the fire was snuffed out. He nodded once to Alice, who smiled softly.

She tugged the trident charm off of her bracelet which sprung into a full sized version. She waved it around, water from a nearby lake lifting up into the sky. Fish were swimming through the air in bubbles that Alice kept afloat. Concentrating she directed the fish back into the lake before letting the water drop onto her figure. Alice let out a small sigh of pleasure, allowing the water to wash over her and the water dried instantly.

"See it's all true. No props, no pranks, just the truth." Bepper glanced over to Waddup. "You can tell it is. I'm not lying." The rest of the teens eyes slid over to Waddup, who was gently biting her bottom lip. 

"He's not lying. But this is absurd." She muttered her eyes scanning the buildings before settling on Las and Alice, "How is this even possible. This shouldn't be possible."

"You best believe it child." The group snapped their heads over to an older gentleman in a wheelchair. He had a welcoming smile, and looked rather gentle. "Hello, my name is Chiron I'm a trainer for heroes." He dipped his head in greeting. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. A place for heroes, where they can train." Las scoffed rolling his eyes, and imitated the man behind his back. "Las, now that's enough. Would you show them to the Hermes Cabin for now? We must wait for them to get claimed." Chiron turned to the brown haired boy who was scowling. 

"Sure whatever." He grumbled. Gesturing to the four. "Alice let's go." He started walking while the others followed him. 

All of a sudden a new voice appeared. "HEY GET AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE BITCH IT TOOK ME LIKE AN HOUR TO LOOK THIS FABULOUS." Two boys were running towards the group of new arrivals. 

First was a boy with seemingly sparkly brown hair who wore a clean white shirt and sleek pants. Around his neck was a gold chain that bounced around as his feet pounded against the ground. He was looking over his shoulder at someone who was chasing him with a laugh.

The other boy wore a short sleeved orange shirt with blue accents. A dragon mask was covering half his face but his brown eyes sparkled with glee behind his glasses as he chased the other boy. "GET BACK HERE!" He cheered. 

 The first boy almost barreled into Las, but the fire bender sidestepped and instead the boy crashed straight into Alexis. 

Horizon, slowed to a stop before doubling over in laughter. "Leo- you," He howled tilting his head back in laughter. "You have to look where you are going." 

The now named 'Leo' shot a glare back at Horizon before getting up and dusting his pants off. "Geez now I have to wash this." He muttered under his breathe before combing out his hair slightly.

"Well you should already wash your clothes you rat." Alexis said with a scowl as she accepted Waddup's hand to stand back up. 

Leo's eyes flashed a soft pink hue before disappearing, "Shut up, mkay~" Alexis opened her mouth to say a retort but no words came out of her mouth. An expression of indignation flashed across her face as she discovered that she could no longer speak. Stepping backwards she grabbed Pyro's hand and squeezed it once. 

"What did you do to her." Pyro growled stepping forward, to face the pretty boy that was Leo. 

A small smirk formed on his face as he lazily waved his hand. "None of your business mister. I just told her to shut up and she just obeyed." 

Pyro's fist curled, and he snarled at the boy, "I know Alexis and she's not one to back down from a challenge. Especially not you pretty boy."

Leo held his hand to his chest and batted his eyelashes sarcastically. "Aw you flatter me. Now I've got to go, so I shall see you all later." As the boy turned to leave, suddenly a pink flashed occurred. That left most of the group groaning and rubbing their eyes.

Gasps occurred has the light dimmed. Both Alexis and Waddup were dressed in well, much fancier clothing they had previously arrived in. 

Alexis was adorned in a sleek blue dress that fanned out at the bottom. It was a dark rich blue that had small gems of silver adorning it. The fabric was light and wound around her shoulders like a second skin. A tiara of silver was sitting on her head, so light she could barely feel it. Chains of silver hung from her neck and wrapped around her arms. Her makeup was a light blue eyeshadow that wasn't much, but somehow completed everything perfectly.

Waddup on the other hand wore a sparkling dress of royal purple that drew in the sunlight. Golden dust coated the thick material causing the sun to reflect off of it. Her sleeves fell to almost the floor and were a bit transparent. Golden jewelry adorned every inch of skin that could possibly be covered, and a crown of gold lay on her head. She had dark smokey rich purple eye shadow that gave off an aura of mystery.

Leo blinked once before scowling at the girl, "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me."




All hail Alexis Claev and Waddup Claev daughters of Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty.

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