Chapter 5

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"Well then. That's what we called getting claimed. Now that that's settled," Chiron said with a small amused smile. "Leo why don't you take them to your cabin? Then you can take them on a tour of the camp."

"Oh hell no. I'm not dealing with her." Leo spat out at Alexis who was just gawking at her outfit. Waddup was doing the same, not quite believing her eyes about the whole thing. Both Pyro and Ukiy were just staring at the girls. If they didn't believe the craziness before, well they certainly had a reason to now.

"What-" Alexis seemed at a loss for words. "This isn't me. I don't wear dresses- or makeup. What on earth. Someone hit me, this can't be real." Waddup let out a small noise in agreement looking down at the dress.

Leo smiled gleefully before saying, "With pleasure." And Alexis promptly got a sucker punch to the face, which sent her recoiling backwards.

"WHAT THE HELL?! IS THERE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO SAY TO MY FACE YOU BITCH ASS HOE." Alexis shouted, clutching her face and glaring at Leo. From the punch, Alexis's makeup smudged, but by some magic time seemed to reverse and it was perfect once more.

"You are not going to fun around." Leo glared back. Chiron sent the boy a warning glance and the boy let out an exasperated sigh. "C'mon 'princess' and her sister. Let's go Horizon." 

"Bitch." Alexis grumbled, slowly following after the male. She grabbed Waddup's hand and squeezed it once. The twin looked over at her and smiled a bit nervously. The pair of girls waved to Pyro and Ukiy as they followed Leo.

Chiron turned his attention back to the two in front of him. "Las and Alice will take you both to the Hermes cabin until you get claimed. I'm sure it won't be long before it happens." He said, his face crinkling into a warm smile.

"WOOOOOOO!" A scream of elation came from the skies which caused the teens and centaur to glance up to the sky. Circling down from the sky was Kelp and Flare. The pegasus landed on the ground and the blonde slid off of him. "Ow fuck." She muttered, shifting her weight off of her left leg which looked a bit bruised. "Thanks Kelp." Flare said ruffling his mane. "Appreciate it."

The girl sustained a couple more injuries since the group had least seen her. Twigs and leaves were tangled in her hair, sticking out all over the place. The left side of her face was a bit bloody due to the cut she'd received from Kei earlier. Her skirt was significantly shorter than when she first started wearing it, small trails of fabric pooled on the floor behind her. Her boots were brown from mud and made squelching noises whenever she walked. 

Flare glanced over at Ukiy and Pyro, "Where are the other two? I know my memory is trash but it's not that bad."

"They both got claimed by Aphrodite, so Leo took them to their cabin." Las said glancing over the girl. "And I am dragging you to Apollo cabin if I have to." Alice let out a small hum of agreement, her eyes locking on the injuries Flare sustained. 

Flare gave a small shrug, "Let's take these guys to Hermes then we can go over to Apollo's yeah? Okay cool. Let's go." Giving no room for argument Flare began limping over to a cabin. Pyro and Ukiy both exchanged looks before slowly following after. 

The architecture was impressive, large cabins towering over the grounds. Each had a different theme to it, steampunk, nature, ocean, library. The cabins were unique in their own way, built to honor a specific god or goddess.

The group ended up in front of a big slightly worn down cabin. Chipped paint was everywhere from the walls being hit with something, and a caduceus hanging above the doorframe. Inside were a bunch of teens roaming about, most- if not all of them in high spirits. 

"Hey Cabin 11!" Flare said with a wave. Most of the campers inside waved back at the five and gave out different greetings. However there was only one person actually came to the doorway.

They had brown hair that reached to right about their shoulders. It was styled in a half-up half-down style, and was a bit tangled. They wore an orange camp shirt that had what seemed like paint smudged on it. Their jeans were slightly ripped and also had paint splatters on them. A mischievous grin was plastered on their face, and a gleam ever present in their eyes. "Hi you guys! Two newbies?" They questioned.

"Yeah, well we had two other girls but they got claimed." Alice stated. "Aphrodite's daughters, Leo nearly had a riot when it happened. Oh you should've seen it Turtel." She said with a small laugh.

Turtel's grins widened a bit before they spoke, "I bet it was hilarious. Would've paid to see that." Their eyes shifted over to Pyro and Ukiy. "Who are these two?"

"This is Pyro and this is Ukiy." Flare said gesturing to each one individually, "Both of them are unclaimed."

Turtel gave nodded before gesturing to the pair, "C'mon in, I'll help you both get settled yeah? You three go find Goob and have her look you guys over okay. You three are all clearly injured and exhausted." Las gave a mock salute before dragged Flare towards another cabin. Alice waved to them before trotting after the two. 

Turtel then turned their attention to Pyro and Ukiy. "We have a bunk bed system set up so you both can just use whichever one you want as long as its not taken. My name's Turtel but you both probably heard that. I'm the head councilor of the Cabin 11, cabin of Hermes and the unclaimed. Get yourselves settled, I know this can all be overwhelming on your first day." They gave the pair a smile for waltzing back in to break up a fight.

Pyro glanced at Ukiy, "I guess this is our new normal." He said hesitantly testing out the words, staring at the chaos surrounding them. With a hum of agreement, Ukiy just stared into the cabin. After a beat of hesitation they stepped into the cabin. 

And their adventures were just about to begin.

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