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The morning sunlight shined through the bedroom window filling the room with the natural light of the morning sun. The sunlight reached Joanne's closed eyes. Joanne's eyes slowly opened and the first thing she saw was the morning sun. A smile slowly formed on Joanne's face. She felt a sense of peace and relaxation as she woke up from her long and peaceful sleep. Today was Joanne's first morning in her new home.

Joanne slowly rose out of bed. It felt strange to wake up in an unfamiliar room. Joanne looked around her room. Most of her clothes and belongings were still in boxes and suitcases. The space was a little cramped compared to her room back home. Joanne's closet back home in Vietnam was the same size as her current bedroom. Still, it was cozy, and Joanne felt comfortable. She looked at the time on her phone, 10:02am. It was so late, Joanne must have been more exhausted from flying than she realized. Joanne slowly got out of bed and went to her vanity. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was slightly frizzy from sleeping. Joanne picked up her brush and slowly moved it through her thick black hair.

Watching herself in the mirror brushing her hair, Joanne thought about what today would bring. Today was Joanne's first day with her new family. Far from home, Joanne had no idea what to expect living in a new country. All that was familiar to her was on the other side of the world. Joanne would now have to adapt to a new country and culture. Joanne thought about how she would be accepted. Would Joanne enjoy her time here or would she spend every day wishing she was back home with her parents? She had no idea. All Joanne did know was she was with a family that loved her. No matter what happens, at least she would not be alone. She would be surrounded by family.

Joanne put down her brush and headed towards the room door. Joanne took hold of the door knob and waited for a moment. She seemed to be hesitate about opening the door. For a moment, she felt nervous about stepping outside her room. Joanne dismissed the feeling and opened the door. Joanne walked through the hallway. It was high morning and sunlight was filling the second floor. Joanne came across Jessica and Wendy who were sitting on a sofa in front of a large TV. "Jo! You're awake," Jessica said, moving aside to make room for Joanne. "Good morning Jessica...Wendy." Joanne took the seat in between them. "You woke up just in time, mom is preparing our breakfast," Wendy said. "That's great," Joanne said. Jessica asked Joanne, "Did you sleep well?" "Yes, I did, I was so tired from the flight." "Good, you look more refreshed now," Jessica said with a slight laugh. Joanne smiled in response. "You like your room?" Wendy asked. "I love it Wendy, I just need to finish unpacking," "Oh, we'll help you finish when we get back," Jessica said. All three sat back and continued watching a Korean drama that was airing on the TV.

Jessica and Wendy were fraternal twins. They were as different in their personalities as they were in appearance, with only a slight resemblance to each other. Jessica had a presence that filled a room, the center of attention. Jessica projected a charisma that brighten the mood of anyone she spoke too. She used all the latest skin care products from Korea giving her face a radiant glow. Her fashion style was all about the latest trends, wearing only name brand items no matter how expensive they were. Jessica colored her hair with a light blond treatment with small curls at the ends.

Wendy was the exact opposite of Jessica. She was shy and quiet, usually keeping to herself when around people she didn't know. Only family or close friends could get her to open up. Anyone else who encountered Wendy would find her to be someone who just stood or sat there deep in thought. Almost as if Wendy was waiting for someone to reach out and bring her out of her shell. Wendy didn't wear any makeup, giving herself a natural look. Wendy wore whatever she found comfortable and didn't care much for fashion. Out in public, Jessica and Wendy appeared as different as night and day. Despite their differences, Jessica and Wendy loved each other very much and were not complete without the other.

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