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A repeating melody played from Joanne's smartphone next to her bed. Joanne reached out and turned it off. Joanne yawned and then reached out to grab her phone, the time was 4am. It was still dark outside. Joanne was still sleepy, but she managed to slowly get up from bed. It was time to get ready for school.

It had been several weeks since Joanne was in a head on collision with a speeding car and she had completely recovered from her injuries. The only trace of the accident was a large scar on the right side of Joanne's forehead, which she always covered up with makeup whenever she went out.

Joanne was in a haze from waking up much earlier than she was used to. Joanne left her room and turned on the lights in hall. Everyone else in the Shin family was still asleep. Walking slowly to avoid making too much noise, Joanne made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Joanne yawned, strong coffee was the only way she was going to make it out the door. Joanne entered the kitchen and found Jessica cooking.

Joanne looked surprised. "Jess? What are you doing up?" "Good morning Jo, I'm making you something for school." "Jess, you didn't have to do that." "It's your first day Jo, I wanted you to be bright and ready." Joanne walked over to Jessica. Jessica was still wearing her sleepwear and her hair was in a ponytail.

"What you are making?" Joanne asked. "Scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes." "No bibimbap?" Jessica laughed. "That would take too long to make so I wanted to make you something quick." "Thank you," Joanne said as she walked over to the coffee maker. "I really need coffee, I can barely keep my eyes open. You want some Jess?" "Yes please, I need some too." Coffee began pouring into the glass container. Joanne poured milk and sugar into her and Jessica's coffee cups.

Joanne and Jessica took their breakfast trays to the dining table. This was their first meal without the rest of the Shin family. "It's so quiet," Jessica observed in a whisper. "I know, everyone else is lucky they get to sleep in." Joanne and Jessica began eating. "That's why my mom doesn't open the restaurant until 12pm. She didn't want to wake to early," Jessica said. "I could understand that." Joanne drank a few sips of her coffee. The caffeine gave Joanne the boost she needed. "Much better," Joanne said. Jessica drank some her coffee. "Oh my God, I needed that." Joanne and Jessica both laughed at their coffee enjoyment.

"You know how to get there?" Jessica asked. "Yes, I know what train to take." "Okay, you don't want to get lost on your first day." Joanne laughed. "That would be so embarrassing." Joanne and Jessica continued to eat their breakfast and drink coffee. "Are you nervous?" Jessica asked. "No, I'm very excited to go there. After my accident, I feel like I can survive anything." Jessica smiled in response.

Joanne was about to attend Orange County College in Fullerton. A campus with a diverse international student population, an ideal environment for someone new to America. Joanne read about the awards and worldwide recognitions the campus receives. The education programs from Orange County College were among the top in the country. When Joanne was looking for colleges to apply too, she wanted a high-quality education but didn't want a campus that was too big for her. When Joanne read about Orange County College, it felt like the perfect campus. It was highly ranked but located in a small town. Joanne liked the idea of attending a college with a small-town atmosphere. Have a large percentage of international students made Joanne more comfortable about fitting in.

Joanne and Jessica finished their breakfast. "If you need anything Jo, you can call me okay?" "Jess, you're being a little over protective." Jessica drank the last of her coffee. "I know, it's just that...we almost lost you." A tear began to form on Jessica's left eye. Joanne looked touched. "Jess...I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me okay?" Jessica smiled and nodded. Joanne smiled back and touched Jessica's right hand. The two of them got up and took their plates to the kitchen sink. "I'll wash up, you get ready for school," Jessica said. Joanne tapped Jessica's shoulder. "Thanks Jess." Joanne headed upstairs.

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