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It was a cold day in mid-February when Ryan was waiting for the north bound Metro Gold Line train to Union Station. He was a few weeks into the spring semester at Orange County College. The past weeks had been uneventful. Ryan's daily routine was focused around classes and studying. It was early morning and there was only a hand full of other people waiting for the both the north and southbound trains. Ryan sat there just waiting. From the corner of his left vision, Ryan saw someone approaching.

Ryan looked left and saw a thin woman in her early twenties walking towards him. She was wearing a pink sweater, light blue jeans and a backpack. She reached Ryan's seat. "Excuse it okay if I sit here?" she asked in a low voice. Ryan nodded and then she sat next to him. She gave Ryan a small smile and said, "Thank you." "Sure." Ryan smiled back. Who is this girl? Ryan thought to himself. She came from his block, but Ryan had never seen her before. Her face was very pale. Ryan noticed she was wearing flip flops even through it was a cold winter morning. Even with a sweater, she was shivering with her arms folded tightly around her stomach. She appeared very nervous looking to the left of her, as though she was concern someone was watching her.

"So, you're going to school?" she asked. "Yes, I go to Orange County College in Fullerton." "Fullerton...I don't know where that is," she said with a small laugh. "It's very far, I have to take a train south," Ryan started to explain. "It takes me around thirty minutes to get there." She looked surprised. "I go to a college in's far but...not as far as Fullerton I guess." "At least the train takes you straight there," Ryan said. She nodded. "So, do you live around here?" Ryan asked. "I haven't seen you before." She thought for a moment. "I...moved here around six years ago. I actually live across from you." Ryan looked surprised. "I've never seen you." Mei looked away. "Today is the first time I was allowed to leave the house." Mei just looked ahead deep in thought. " couldn't leave your house for six years?" Ryan asked. Mei looked to Ryan. "My mother is very strict." Mei's face had a look of anger.

There was an announcement the northbound train was arriving. Mei and Ryan got up as the train stopped in front of them. The doors opened and they boarded the train. Ryan walked to the back with Mei behind him. He took a seat and Mei sat right next to him. "I'm Mei," she said with a smile. Ryan smiled back. "I'm Ryan." "Nice to meet you Ryan." "You too Mei." Ryan sat backed in his. He didn't know what to make of Mei's revelation. She had been kept in her house for the past six years. Ryan couldn't tolerate being stuck at home for just one day. He couldn't imagine never leaving a house for six years. What kind of family did Mei come from? Why would they keep her from leaving the house?

For the past six years, Ryan never gave the family living across from him much thought. Over the years he saw an older woman watering the yard and a younger woman leaving and coming home in a grey Toyota Corolla sometimes, but he never saw Mei, until today. Despite being so isolated, Mei seemed so normal.

" this your first time on a train?" Ryan asked. "My first time on this train but, I've been on trains before." "Really? Where?" Mei thought for a moment. "In my home country, Switzerland." Ryan looked surprised. "You're from Switzerland?" Mei nodded. "Wow, you're full of surprises aren't you Mei?" Mei laughed. "I guess I am." "So, from Switzerland to being locked in a house for six years in LA. You have quite the story." "When you say it like that, it does sound a little unusual." " did you end up here?" Ryan asked. Mei looked away. "I...can't talk about it. In fact...I'm not even supposed to be talking to anyone." Mei looked to Ryan for his reaction. Ryan simply smiled and said, "Well...I won't tell anyone if you won't." A smile formed on Mei's face and then she let out a small laugh. Mei held out her hand. "Okay, deal." Ryan shook Mei's hand.

Ryan and Mei exchanged more small talk as the train continued to travel on the track, eventually arriving at LA Union Station. " was nice meeting you Mei," Ryan said as he got up from the seat. "You too Ryan." Mei waived to Ryan as he left the train. Ryan exited the train unaware one of the most important friendships of his life has just began. Months later, Ryan would become the only person Mei could turn to in her darkest time.

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