Best Day Ever

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Btw most of these are set in a more modern universe, but I will put the normal universe in here too.

It was about 10:00 in the morning and Sanji woke up to no Zoro, where is that stupid marimo, Sanji thought as he touched where his green haired boyfriend should be.

The blonde man groaned and pulled himself out of bed to go make him and Zoro some breakfast. Yes he knew his boyfriend wasn't there but he decided Zoro would like to come home to the smell of bacon and eggs, so he got to work, making eggs, bacon and putting some bread in the toaster.

Then right as the bread popped out Zoro walked through the door with a bag in his hand.

Sanji immediately ran to him and gave him a hug, "Why did you leave me in the bed alone?" He said as he punched the green haired man's arm.

Zoro rubbed his arm, "Well I have something special planned today, so I had to go and buy you something." Zoro said as he held up the target bag in his hand and handed it to Sanji, giving him a kiss on the forehead in the process, "Sorry for leaving you alone though, ya big baby."

Sanji pouted and turned around, "I'm not a baby, but you need to eat before the food gets cold."

Zoro chuckled and went to go sit at the table where the food was sitting, smacking Sanji's ass while on his way, making the blonde gasp at the harsh movement.

While they ate Sanji decided to open the Target bag that Zoro handed him earlier, "Why did you buy me swimming trunks, I have a perfectly good pair in the dresser?" Sanji questioned. Zoro swallows the food that was in his mouth and answers, "As I said I have something special planned today and tomorrow may I add, so I got you a new pair because I wanted yours to match mine." Zoro finished.

Sanji scoffed, "Well isn't that just soooo cute," he giggled, "What are we even doing today anyway?"

Zoro put got up and put his plate in the sink, Sanji following behind, "That's a surprise," he turns around to face Sanji, hugging him, "But I know you'll love it." He purrs as he kisses Sanji.

Sanji kisses back and they both head to the couch to watch some t.v before they leave.

About 2 hours later Zoro and Sanji were dressed in their matching swim trunks and got in the car, Sanji of course trying to guess where they were headed. "Are we going to the beach?" Sanji questioned, "For the hundredth time curly-brow, no, just wait till we get there."

Sanji crossed his arms and pouted, "I'm just trying to guess, stupid moss head." He then leaned his arm on the window and placed his head in his hand, drifting off to sleep.

"Cook,cook, curly-brow, wake up," Zoro lightly shook Sanji awake, "Hmm,what time it it?"

Zoro chuckled, "It's only 12:20, but I want you to look where we are." Sanji rubs his eyes and look to where Zoro was pointing, he gasp, "My favorite water park!" He gets out of the car and hugs Zoro tightly. He hasn't been to this water park in years, he was so happy to be back again.

Zoro hugs Sanji back and kisses him, "Yes, your favorite water park, now come on let's go ride on some of the rides."

-Time skip- (sorry I'm to lazy to write the fun stuff)

It has been an hour of riding Sanji's favorite rides at the park, eating ice cream and swimming and both men were beat, so they decided to take their leave.

When they get settled into the car Sanji leans over to Zoro's seat and kisses him on the cheek, "Thank you for that Zoro, I had a lot of fun." Zoro chuckled, "Your welcome curly-brow, now get some sleep, we got a long way back home." Sanji nodded at Zoro's request and fell asleep on the window.

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