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your pov

" ah koro-sensei, why not just beside mine? i mean no one sits on it," the owner of the voiced shrugged." plus it's the only seat not taken."

koro-sensei looked around the whole room just to find out the other vacant seats was broken down, so he sighed instead.

" alright, take the seat beside akabane, im sure you probably know him by now." koro-sensei said.

the said, akabane just smirked. meanwhile the Lucilfer's only child was not having it, she wasn't the slightest bit happy about it.

this little shit..

but since she didn't have  any other choices, she obliged.

walking to her assigned seat, she couldn't help but notice the stares the students are giving her.

it wasn't bad or anything,  they were just mesmerized by your beauty;)

meanwhile, the class─except for karma─ was thinking the same thought: DOES KARMA DOESN'T KNOW WHO SHE IS?!!!1?!1

as you sat on your assigned seat, you weren't even given the chance to be peaceful, even just for a second.

" hey there princess~" karma said, wanting your attention, yet you just gave him a cold shoulder (lol imagine if this was literally).

even tho you tried  to ignore his presence, he didn't even stop pestering you nor have thought of that idea.

you faced him, glared at him, but then a sudden idea popped out your mind, just payback.

you raised your right hand, which was quickly noticed to koro-sensei.

" yes ms.Lucilfer?" he asked, meanwhile karma raised a brow.

" a certain red head beside me, wont stop flirting," you smiled forcefully  " is there any solution, to get rid of the annoyance?" you asked innocently.

the whole class was shOoKt, no one has ever talked to karma like that, nor planned to embarrass him like that, well what can they say? you're a Lucilfer after all.

"w-what are you t-talking about?" karma asked slightly raising his voice, loud enough for everybody to hear, clearly embarrassed.

you averted your gaze from the octopus and turned to the red-head instead, then smirked.

" oh~? you weren't stuttering last minute when you were poking me." you teased, clearly enjoyed his red face.

" for your information, i am made of atoms and atoms can't touch each other, that means I DID NOT TOUCH YOU." karma being karma, didn't want to lose to some girl of course.

your left eye twitched when hearing this from him.

" using my words against me i see," you sneezed then chuckled, " oh sorry, it's just that im allergic to..


karma was taken aback, you used his very own words, " you wanna go huh?!" he suddenly yelled, standing up from his seat.


i stood up from my seat as well, alerting koro-sensei and the whole classroom.

"you wanna go?! huh huh? " i exclaimed while pushing him.

"huh huh? really now?!" he exclaimed pushing me as well.



this, of course alerted the whole class, they need to do something about this, the thought as well crossed the mind of a certain perverted-octopus, but he chose not to, not that he was shipping you both to each other or sum.



some boys and girls stood up and about to run to the both troublemakers when suddenly both we're silent and said..

" we won't go "


(if you know where this idea was from, i love u.)

after the small havoc, both troublemakers calmly sat back down, which shocked the hell out of the class, except for koro-sensei that is.

" what in the world?" a boy from your row shouted.

" jesus looks like we have another trouble maker to deal with" said a boy which seemingly close with the one who first yelled, which made you grew an irk into your forehead.

" i aM NOT THAT OF A TROUBLEMAKER!" i exclaimed.

" yeah, no princess~" an annoying voice joined in, which is karma's ofc.

"YOU EVEN CALL HER PRINCESS?! MAN SO UNFAIR!" an orange gradient haired boy and an almost bald boy said in unison.


unexpectedly - a. karmaWhere stories live. Discover now