Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 is finally here. Sorry for the long wait *bows* Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Tharn is both pissed and pissed drunk

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Tharn is both pissed and pissed drunk.

It's almost 2.00 a.m and he needs his goddamn sleep. The beer tastes kinda stale and bitter but he chugs it down anyway because fuck, he's going to need more than wine and five beer cans to put up with Type for the rest of the night.

Type on the other hand is dead drunk and disorientated, his head unsteadily wavering a hair width away from the tabletop as he shuffles another set of cards. How he managed to outsmart him the last couple of rounds is beyond Tharn entirely.


Type giggles alongside Waan as they paw around the carpet and Type's lap for the scattered cards. All Tharn could do is chug down the rest of his beer and seethe. It's pathetic. At this point, he's not even sure who or what is he mad at anymore. Type? Stupid cards? Waan? Type? Stale beer? Ai' fucking Type?

Most definitely Type.

There's a healthy blush on Type's overheated cheeks and the half-lidded eyes giving purposeful looks his way is doing things to his gut. Whether it's intentional or not Type's borderline flirting with a gay man without an ounce of care about the consequences. And Tharn is very much gay, and impulsive, and very much sexually frustrated right now.

It's like Type shoved a motherfucking Uno reverse card up his nostril. Forget about the cards. In the end, he lost to Type in his own game. Tharn can barely keep his face straight and he's this close to kicking the stool and fling himself over the table.

“That's quite enough. N'Waan, go to your room”

His voice cracks in the middle, unnaturally. Partially because of the guilt. He knows he's being an asshole. The smile on Waan's face falters. But she doesn't refute him and goes back to her room after bidding them goodnight. Type doesn't look like he has a single clue what's going on. Shuffling a set of cards for Thorn and Tharnya who aren't even there. The warning look on Thorn's face flashes in Tharn's mind but that thought is flung out of the window the moment Type chucks his cards at his way, catching him squarely on his face.

“Here you go... Ai'Saht”

Tharn explodes. Type barely has time to blink when Tharn pounces on him over the coffee table sending them both tumbling over the carpet floor with a massive thump. A string of curses echoes inside the otherwise quiet living room and Tharn can't bring himself to care about anything other than kicking Type's ass down.

“Fuck! Get OFF OF ME!”

Tharn goes dizzy by the punch for a moment. Type's strong, much more than he looks. He grits his teeth and punches him back-, But he's nowhere near Tharn.

Before Type could take his turn Tharn rolls them until he's on top, seizing his wrists and pinning them on the floor above his head. Type is too disorientated to notice at first, but once he realizes Tharn is straddling him and breathing on his face, he struggles like a madman. Trying to buck him off in a restless fit. Tharn of course doesn't relent and smirks like the infuriating asshole he is, growing more confident as Type's face turns red and flustered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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