I have issuse

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Legends pov

I went after riot it took me awhile but I caught up to her I could tell she didn't want to talk but I needed to talk to her I felt like it was my fault. I could tell she didn't like attention from certain people and she wasn't far into fighting and fucking with people. "riot, wanna sit with me here" she looked back at me and sat down I walked up and sat next to her in the grass. "sorry about what happened in there" she said looking down the hill at the school. "you shouldn't be sorry it wasn't your fault she pushed to a point and you broke" I replied. it seemed like she was holding on to that thought, she was silent for a few minuets and then stood up and waked away "where are you going" I yelled to her "away" she yelled back. I followed.

~sorry for the really small chapter and The slow update I've been super busy with school and people making me have a life I will try to up date sooner I'm also starting a new story to~

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