Snake Wrestling

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        I attempted to shake the anaconda robot of my leg but she simply tightened. I saw a look of malicious in the animatronic's eyes. "Get off!" I quietly said to the snake and slammed my hand into the snout of the snake. I heard it grunt and I repeated the action. This time, Monica hissed. I felt a sharp pain in my hand and I cringed. She had sunken her metal fangs into my hand. I shook my leg again and attempted to pry her off my hand. I managed to remove her.

        Blood trickled from the bite marks on my hand. I watched as she lunged for me again. I rolled out of her way. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I needed to get that child's head. Quickly, the anaconda slithered towards me. I knew what she was doing. I could see it in her life like eyes. She didn't want me getting that skull. She knew what I was doing. She was completely sentient. The creature lunged at me again. I put my hand out to stop her again. Once again, she sunk her teeth into the same hand she had bitten before. This time, she bit down harder.

        I grunted in pain and cringed again before kicking at her. Monica's grip tightened on my hand. I had to escape or she'd end me. I shut my eyes tightly. I felt a rush of adrenaline run through my viens. I made a strange noise that I can simply sound as someone straining and slammed my hand down towards the ground. I heard a loud metallic pop and a noise that sounded somewhat like a gurgled groan and squeal.

        I opened my eyes. There Monica was. She was against the wall. Infront of her laid an emerald green object. Her lower jaw. I had managed to rip off her lower jaw with my damaged hand. I stared at the animatronic in her eyes. She was completely still. I could still see the shine of life that all the other animatronics had in their eyes but she didn't move. I stayed completely still for a moment and so did she. Finally, the stillness and silence was broken by a boy's muffled voice.

        "T-Tammi?" That was the voice sounded like. I turned my head to the end of the hall. The giant gorilla known as Garry stood. His lower jaw was open in horror. He stared at Monica's broken body in horror. I saw him look at me. His eyes than flashed in anger. I heard him release a loud grunt and watched as he began charging at me. My body, without me even having to think it, stood up and sprinted towards the parts and services room. I managed to get into the room and slam the door shut. I locked it and pressed my body against it. I could feel Garry's fists slam against it but my weight managed to keep it shut. Finally, after several pounds at the door, all went silent again. I could hear a heartfelt sob that almost made me break into tears. "I-I'm s-sorry, T-T-Tammi..."

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