Chapter 5

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Sayaka's POV
I get to the meet up spot early. I see Makoto and Chihiro sitting on a bench. They were talking about something,but then they saw me and got up. "Hey guys y'all are here early." I say. "Heh guess so." Makoto says. Chihiro starts typing something on her computer. I see her take a USB drive out and put it in her pocket. I see almost everyone else even Byakuya and Toko. Then I saw Junko and Mukuro. "So everyone is here correct" Junko says. We nod and we followed Junko until we make it to a statue. "What the hell is this Junko!" Mondo yells. "Be quiet and watch dumbass!" Junko says. She presses a button and there was a secret passage way. "Junko I don't think this is a good idea maybe we shouldn't go down there." I say. She ignored me and told us to hurry up. Out of the corner of my eye I see Makoto give a evil grin.
When we get there she leads us to a trial ground looking area. But that's when all the TVs in the area turning on and showed this horrible horrific video. It filled me with...despair.
I couldn't move couldn't breathe all I could do was watch. When it was done I saw everyone crying and their eyes where swirling. I loved it! I wanted to cause despair! I see Junko and she starts clapping. "Well everyone y'all see what I mean despair is amazing!" She says. "Now I guess y'all and go spread despair all you want" She says.

-Times skip After the Tragedy-
Makoto's POV
I watched on the screen as Junko Enoshima was crushed to dust in front of me. She was like a Goddess. She wanted despair so much she died to bring us even more despair. I know the Future Foundation was after them so they can help rebuild the world. The survivors where Peko, Mahiru, Komaeda(hope driven bastard), Gundham, and Kazuichi. I here sobbing all around me. I tell everyone to shut up. "I'm second in command that means that I'm the new leader of the Remnants of Despair. We are going to Bring the bastards who killed Junko-Sempai.

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