Chapter 4

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I wake up in a cold sweat, gasping for air. I blindly reach toward my nightstand, searching for my water bottle in the dark.

"Keep your mouth shut, y/n, unless you want every FBI agent knowing how good you're taking your Daddy's dick."

I chugged my water, the plastic crinkling in the silent room.

Did I just have a sex dream about Hotch? No, no...

The water spilled on my face and dripped down my chin. I pulled my covers to the side and stepped out of bed, the cool morning air chilling my burning skin. I picked up my phone and saw I had a notification from the man himself, Aaron Hotchner.

From Hotch:

Wheels up at 8:15. Hope to see you there with a smile on your face.

I fight the urge to scream, not wanting to wake my neighbors up at 6:43. I put on a striped button down and tucked it into a pair of black slacks. I decide on boots instead of heels because I would rather not get blood and brains on my nice shoes. I fix my hair and makeup in the bathroom before making myself a pot of coffee. I pour the coffee into two travel mugs, one with a normal amount of sugar and milk, the other with an ungodly amount of sugar for Spencer. I take a protein bar from the cabinet and slip it into my pocket before leaving my apartment. Luckily, the traffic is not as bad this time in the morning, so I arrived at the BAU right on time.

"Morning, babygirl", Morgan said from his chair.

"Cheating on Garcia now, Morgan?", I laugh. I walk up to Reid's desk and place his coffee on his coaster. He looks up for today's newspaper and his face breaks into a smile.

"You made me coffee?", he asks. I lean against the edge of his desk and smile.

"I know you have a hard time using the coffee machine", I tease. He rolls his eyes playfully as he takes a sip from his coffee.

"I'm gifted in other ways", he mumbled.

I talked with the other agents for a while before we were called for the briefing. The energy in the room immediately changed when Hotch entered. I tried not to make eye contact with him, but his gaze was magnetic. He glared daggers at me and I couldn't prevent my face from heating up. He looked away quickly, as if I had burnt him with my eyes, and began the briefing.

We are going to a small town in the middle-of-nowhere-Maine. Two children and an adult male, a brother and sister in their early teens and their uncle, were found in the woods. Their bodies were bruised and beaten, but their cause of death was suffocation. Their father abandoned their family ten years prior, their mother is in a coma in the hospital and they were under their uncle's care when they were found.

We all return to our desks to pack our bags. I made sure JJ packed extra Advil because listening to Spencer Reid ramble about the inaccuracy of historical films while you have a headache is a unique kind of tortue. We leave the bureau and arrive at the plane, and as I go to board, I feel a large hand catch my arm.

"Agent y/l/n, I expect you to be civil on this mission. I will not tolerate insubordination, especially from you. We have a job to do and we cannot let our personal lives interfere, otherwise people die. Am I understood, Agent?", he asks, emotionless.

"Yes, sir", I hiss, I yank my arm from his grasp and walk up the stairs.

I take a seat next to Morgan, who is already half asleep. As much as I love Reid, it is still much too early to listen to him spit out statistics every time we experience turbulence. I put in my earbuds and leaned back in my seat, trying to enjoy my time and pretend the others were not there.

Three hours later, we land at a small airport fifteen minutes away from our crime scene. We all pack into the car, Spencer and I stuck in the back, Emily and JJ in the middle seats and Morgan and Hotch in the front. As Hotch puts the car in gear, I say a silent prayer. That man drives like he has nothing to live for, and I'd rather not die in a shitty rental car.

In the front, the four adults had a conversation about the case while Spencer and I thumb wrestle. I lost every round, but to be fair, he had freakishly big hands.

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