Chapter 7

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I boarded the plane again, this time taking the seat next to Reid's. He has only been on the plane for five minutes, but he has already gone through a quarter of his crossword puzzle booklet.

"Hey, y/n. Nice job today, your profile was spot on", he smiled. I chuckle dryly.

"No need to praise me. I already got enough of that from Hotch."

Spencer furrows his brow and looks at me, confusion clear in his eyes.

"Isn't that what you wanted? To be recognized?"

"Yeah but...", I take a deep breath, trying to keep my volume under control. "He didn't mean it. It was the most sarcastic thing I've ever heard come out of his mouth."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, we are all really impressed and grateful you're here. We couldn't have done it without you", he reassured.

"Thanks, Spence", I smile.

"Do you want to work together?", he asks, angling his book towards me. Working together with Spencer on a crossword means watching over his shoulder as he scribbles in words at record speed.

"Wife of Angel Clare, in literature...", I say.

"Tess... from Tess of the d'Urbervilles. At the time, it was scandalous because it challenged the sexual morals of Victorian England, but now it's celebrated 19th-century English novel and may be the author, Thomas Hardy's, greatest work. It has an extremely progressive take on feminism and men dominating women. There's even one part about women's desire for men who are oblivious to their attraction. You really should read it, I bet I can find you a copy-" Reid is cut off by a shake of the plane, and he laughs nervously as he clips his seatbelt.

I look up to where Hotch is seated and I find him staring back at me. He nods in acknowledgement and I can't help but feel a chill run down my spine. I think back to my dream from this morning and lean over to Spencer.

"I had this dream this morning and I want to know what it means", I say quietly.

"Um, okay... What was it about?", he asks, matching my tone.

"I had, let's say, a risque dream about a coworker"

"Who?", Spencer asks, suddenly very interested in the conversation. "Morgan? JJ? Emily? Garcia? Was it... was it about me?", he asks, face flushing in embarrassment.

"No... It was Hotch", I say into my hands.

"That's-", Spencer said, far too loudly for the topic at hand. "That's what I was saying", he said again in a much more acceptable tone. "The line between love and hate is much finer than you think. All it takes is one instance to push you in one direction or another."

"I don't love Hotch!", I whisper-yell. Spencer is quiet for a moment.

"So you really had a sex dream about Hotch?" I nod. "Would it be inappropriate to ask for details?" I punch him in the arm.

"Yes, what the fuck is wrong with you?", I ask in disbelief.

"Hey, I'm just a man. Wouldn't you want to know if I had a sex dream about you?"

"Did you have a sex dream about me?" Spender sputters and his face flushes.

"I... No, of course not, I would never... It was a long time ago and I'm not interested in you like that. We're just friends and I don't want to be anything more", he rambles hurriedly.

"So you admit that you can have a sex dream about someone and not be in love with them", I smirk. Spencer gapes, surprised that I was able to play him like that.

I pull out my headphones and before putting them into my ears, I turn to Spencer and say, "The line between friendship and love is very fine. Don't fall in love with me. I'd hate to break your heart" I laugh as I put in my earbuds and lean back, allowing myself to escape into my music. 

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