Back in Black

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Shadow P.O.V.

the Black Arms were panicking about my arrival so they kinda had to head on down to the panic room

Black Arms Soldier 1: yo, a lil' help here!?

Black Arms Soldier 2: alright stand back.

he then gets the combination to the door lock

 Black Arms Soldier 2: 1, 1, 1, umm... 1!

Black Arms Soldier 1: Let's go, let's go-

then a third one came in and rams his way towards the door

Black Arms Soldier 3: "INCOMING!"

he rams into the door and they got a little hurt 

Black Arms Soldier 4: Ahem....Gentlemen? i see the boss is secure. (Black Arms Soldiers 1: safe and sound, mm-hmm. Black Arms Soldier 2: yeah he is.) tell me....did anyone happen to kill a black and red hedgehog on the way here? then we still have a problem.

then he drops his falled comrade with a green glowing spear i created myself

Black Arms Soldier 2: and a Chaos Spear.

Black Arms Soldier 1: (he then grabs the chaos spear then spins around and around "him") ooh, big problem. I've killed plenty of Hedgehogs. they tooken out lots of those dime-a-dozen back-stabbing scumbags. like us. (then got hit by the Chaos Spear on accident) no offense.

Black Arms Soldier 4: if you managed to kill them, i assure you, they weren't like me. (grabs the Chaos Spear and strikes it to the floor) and nothing....nothing like the man loose inside this building.

Black Arms Soldier 1: what're you? president of his fan club?


Black Arms Soldier 4: no. that would be your cousin!

trust me do you guys REALLY wanna see any of that?

Black Arms Soldier 4: yep. and now he's here to fuck US up. so listen. or mourning the loss of your cousin'll be the second worst thing that'll happen to you today. (then cuts to me messing a bunch of other Black Arms Soldiers up) this Hedgehog has already breached our've seen what he's done to our colleagues! and worst of all, he could be any one of us....he could be in this very room! he could be you, he could be me, he could even be-

then his head got BLOWN THE FUCK UP which caused one of them to freak out

Black Arms Soldier 2: what? it was obvious. he's the Hedgehog. watch, he'll fade out of that camoflauge any second.....any.....second now. (then one of them starting to get all menacy) see? red. wait....that's blood.

Black Arms Soldier 3: so....we still got a problem.

Black Arms Soldier 2: big problem. (then i got another Chaos spear at them) now where can this Hedgehog be?

Shadow the Hedgehog: right behind you.

then i tore those guys up along with the others around the armada then my friends Rouge and Omega were waiting for me

then i tore those guys up along with the others around the armada then my friends Rouge and Omega were waiting for me

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