You own me

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Harry didn't understand why he was even here. Maybe it was the fact that a close friend was literally dragging him. "Lou, stop, I don't want to do this!" Lou rolled her eyes. "Calm down you big baby. We're just here to watch. We're not going to actually buy anything."

Anything. "You mean a person. That's where you're dragging me to. Somewhere where you buy people." Lou scoffed. "They're there willingly. Stop getting your panties all up in a twist."

Harry couldn't protest as she dragged him into a building and sat them in the back. Harry huffed and waited for whatever this was to begin. The lights dimed just as he saw that the chairs had some sort of touch screen on them. "That's what you auction with." Harry nodded and looked at the stage.


It's been an hour and Harry was very uncomfortable. Watching as these rich people buy someone to play with. It discussed him to no end. Just when he was about to leave the next person on sale caught his eye. "This is Liam Payne. He is new here, so please, be nice." Harry sat back down and was in awe at the man on stage.

Lou nudged him and he looked at her. "You want him." She wiggled her brow as Harry's face turned red. Before he could respond he started hearing everyone auction for Liam. Without really thinking Harry put in a bid as well. Lou laughed at him and Harry muttered a 'shut up'.

Liam seemed slightly shocked that he was getting so much attention, and Harry really liked that shyness. Before he knew it he had won and Lou was dying of laughter. "Let's go see your prize Mr. High and mighty."

Lou lead him to were Liam was patiently waiting by someone. He looked between Harry and Lou and blushed. "Who won him?" The man asked rudely. "This guy!" Lou pointed at Harry and he glared at her. Harry wrote a check and looked at Liam who was looking at his bare feet.

"Hi." Liam looked up at Harry and gave him a small smile. Harry couldn't imagen why such a cute man was doing in a place like this. "Come on, we already got you something." Lou joked while nudging Harry, Harry was going to have a serious talk with Lou.


"So this is your new home. I hope it's okay." Harry told Liam as they walked into his house, or mansion. Liam only nodded, still looking at the floor. Then Louis walked down the stairs and he was shocked to see that his boss bought someone. "Welcome home sir. I see you did buy someone." Liam finally looked up and smiled at Louis. Louis smiled back, but quickly dropped it when he saw Harry's sad face. Harry cleared his throat, "show him around Lou. He's room is next to mine and he can do whatever he pleases. Including leaving if that's what he wants." Louis nodded while Liam gave Harry a shocked face.

Harry went off to take a bath and think about what the heck he just did.

After a while his bath got cold and Harry finally got out. He walked into his bedroom not noticing that someone was on his bed, and screamed when he did. Louis and Zayn ran in, wondering what got their boss screaming like that. "Liam!" Harry yelled and Liam flinched. Louis and Zayn sighed in relief.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you master." Harry was taken aback. This was the first time Liam talked to him. "Um, it's okay. Sorry for yelling. Zayn, Louis, can you take Liam to his room please, and tell Niall to bring him some food." They nodded and took Liam away.


Harry was fast asleep when he suddenly felt really good. He slowly steered, thinking that it was his dream, but when the feeling didn't go away he pulled back the covers to find Liam sucking him off. "Liam, what are you - shit" Liam swallowed him and hummed.

Harry grabbed his hair and forced him off. Liam gulped down a breath and look at Harry. "What's wrong master? Do you not want me?" Harry blinked a few times. "What? Liam I didn't buy you so I could fuck you senseless. I got you because I thought you deserved better then to be used as a fuck toy."

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