My baby

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Liam was so bored. Daddy was away at work and Liam already did all his choirs, colored, and even watched through a whole series. Liam thought he could surprise his daddy by cooking, but daddy didn't like when Liam cooked without him around.

To many sharp knifes and the stove could burn him and daddy wouldn't be able to take care of him if anything happened. So, Liam was just laying on the couch, wondering if he should watch a movie.

Then, an idea popped in his head. Daddy wouldn't be here for another five hours, why not watch one movie that daddy didn't allow him to see if he was away. Liam hasn't been bad in months, but how would daddy know?

Liam went up to their room and went through his daddy's movie drawer until he found one that sounded interesting, and he hasn't watched this one yet!

He skipped down to the living room and put the movie on. He was kind of lonely, always having daddy to cuddle him, but he just got a pillow that smelled like him and watched the movie.


Now Liam understood why daddy didn't want him to see this alone, it was scary and Liam could only find so much comfort in a pillow.

He put the movie back and went to his spear room where all his stuffies, fluffy blankets, toys, and coloring books were, but what he loved was that he had a teddy that his daddy would usually spray with his cologne if he knew he would be gone for a long time. So, when Liam went to go take his nap he wouldn't be too lonely.


Liam was running down an empty dark hall. "Daddy?!" His voice echoed, but he got no response, then a deep monstrous growl came from behind him and he ran faster.

"Daddy?!" Liam ran into an empty room and slammed the door, locking it, and shrinking into the farthest corner of the room.

Where was his daddy? He always came when Liam called. Was he out? No, Liam doesn't remember giving him a good bye kiss. Then again, he didn't know where he was. Was he kidnapped? Daddy must be so worried about him.

Then, their was a loud knock at the door. Liam covered his mouth, trying to keep quiet as he cried. Then, the door broke down and a black figure walked into the room. It couldn't see Liam, but Liam could very much see it.

It walked out and Liam sighed, just then a hand was wrapped around his throat and lifted him up in air.


"Liam!" Liam sat straight up and gasped, looking around franticly until him eyes landed on his daddy. "Liam, baby, hey, calm down, it's just me." His daddy cooed as Liam buried his face in his chest. "Hey, shoo, I'm here. It was just a nightmare baby."

His daddy petted his hair and rubbed his back until Liam stopped shaking. "It was so scary daddy. There was this thing and it tried to kill me. I kept calling for you but you never came." Liam sobbed.

"Hey, look at me." Liam looked up into those green eyes he loved so much. "I'll be there when you call, always, okay?" Liam nodded and leaned up to ask for a kiss. His daddy chuckled and planted a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Come on, want to help me make dinner? I know how much you love to cook." Liam smiled and they went to make dinner.


"Liam." Liam looked up from his chocolate chip pancakes. "I'm going to be gone all day, I'm allowing you to cook dinner for yourself, but if something happens you will call me immediately, got it?" Liam nodded, kind of sad that his daddy was going to be gone all day.

"Hey, don't make that face." His daddy walked over to him and kissed Liam's tempel. "You know who loves you?" Liam giggled. "Daddy?" The green eyed man smiled. "And if anyone else asks?" Liam smiled, he usually didn't say his daddy's actual name unless they went out of someone important was over. "Harry." Liam whispered.

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