You can't have me

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"Zayn, you said we were going out for drinks." Zayn smirked as he parked. "This place has drinks."

"This is a gay strip club!" Liam yelled as Zayn laughed. "Calm down, ever since you came out you haven't had any fun." Liam groaned and sank into his seat. "Take me home please."

"Just one drink, then I'll take you home."

"Fine!" They got out of the car, Liam slamming the car door a little too hard, and walked into the club without much problem. Liam scrunched up his nose when they walked in. It smelled like sex, sweat, alcohol, and weed. "Okay, please take me home." Zayn rolled his eyes and dragged Liam to the bar.

On the way there Liam saw a strip dancer looking at him and he didn't know if he should be scared or flatter. "Why are you blushing?" Zayn asked when they finally got to the bar. "A dancer was staring at me." Zayn's brows shot up. "We just got here. Dang."

The bar tender came and they ordered their drinks. As they waited Liam felt hands go down his chest and he stiffened. "Hello, love." Zayn seemed amused when Liam looked over at him for help. "Um, hi?" Liam turned around to look at the owner of the voice. It was the dancer that was staring at him as Zayn was dragging him further into this place.

Liam didn't believe he didn't see this man's piercing green eyes from across the floor, they looked like they were shinning. "Haven't seen you here before, may I ask what your name is?" Liam gulped. "Liam!" He wanted to slap Zayn but he couldn't look away from the man.

The man smiled and Liam saw two dimples pop out. "Liam, cute. Would you like a dance?" Liam was about to refuse but Zayn, being Zayn, said yes and pushed him to follow the man to the back where they had private rooms.

Before Liam could go in the room the man walked in he turned and gave a glare to his best mate. "What are you doing?!"

"Getting you laid." Liam rolled his eyes. "Well stop."

"Oh, come on, you can't tell me you don't think he's hot!"

"Of course I do, anyone with two eyes can see that he is, but I'm not the one to just give a fuck and leave."

"Well love," Liam tensed and Zayn practically ran away when the man came up behind Liam, "if it makes you feel better I'm really just going to give you a dance."

Liam turned to look at the man. "Really?" The man nodded and smiled. "Sleeping with clients is much too unprofessional." Liam nodded, not knowing why he was suddenly really disappointed to hear that. "Um, I would like to know your name at least?" Liam asked as he walked into the room and then closed the door behind him. "Harry."

The name echoed in Liam's brain and he found it very fitting for the tall green eyed man. "Just sit on the bed love. I'll do all the work." Harry leaned in and gave Liam a peak. Liam was taken aback, that was his first kiss since he came out. "You okay, love?"

"Yeah, just, that was my first kiss since coming out is all."

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea." Harry looked really sorry that he had took that away from Liam. "Um, it's fine, sorry for not telling you sooner I guess." Harry sighed and pushed Liam back so he was sitting on the bed. "Just let me do my thing and you can forget that kissed ever happened okay?" Harry gave him a wink and proceeded to give Liam a dance.

When he was done Liam was hard in his jeans, to which Harry felt proud of, and he was a little sweaty. Harry would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it way more then other clients. Liam was just so respectful and never once tried to touch Harry inappropriately. "Alright, go on, your friend is still probably waiting and my shift is almost over."

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