70. hobbies

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i need a hobby

what about singing?

i'll leave that one for you

i mean, i have so many talents that i'd feel bad if i left you with none

you could've just said no

what's the fun part about that?


why do you need a hobby?

because i'm bored

what about college?

again: bored

what about texting me?

that's a full-time job, not a hobby

i'm so glad you love me this much

:) you're welcome

dancing? sports?


sign language?


i learnt the alphabet and some expressions tho


you really did?

how do you think i cheated on my tests?

yeah should've thought about it


what are your hobbies?


specify please

listening to music

writing music

recording music

singing music

dancing to music

not at all

why not?:(

i'm never gonna dance again

did something traumatic happened so you don't want to dance again?

x factor happened

i want to know everything about it

no you don't

yes i do

i'm not telling you anything

you're famous, remember? i just need to google harry styles dancing x factor and thousands of videos will pop up on my screen

i love the internet

i hate it


did you already look it up?

nope, i'm waiting for you to tell me

i just didn't like dancing

or coordination

i could give you some lessons ;)

i'm sorry, i'm not dancing ever again

i even got it tattooed

you're just playing

i'm not

come on, look it up :)


Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now