103. once again

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we have a problem


we do

you know about it?


i saw it this morning on twitter

tris sent it to me

she's in everything

i know, but she was mad that i didn't tell her i was dating harry styles

she identified you

wait, are we dating?

like, officially

focus, harry


ignoring it as usual

well, i'm sorry

but i think we should focus on the fact that, once again, they took pictures of us kissing in an empty parking lot

but they don't know who you are

tris knew it was me because of the hair

anyone that knows me can link the pic of your car in my driveway and you kissing a green haired girl

is that a problem?

it is


i'll try to fix it so nobody links you to me

harry i didn't mean it like that

doesn't matter

you don't want this, but this is just one of the many consecuences that come from hanging out with me, whether we're dating or just friends


i'm not sure if i can really fix it

bury it, maybe

and how would you do that?

announcing something else


the album

a music video

i don't know yet

that's not what you want

right now i don't care what i want

you should

and your job is something bigger than me

no, it's not

it's nothing compared to what you mean to me

don't fix it

angel, seriously, i don't care

i can feel you're upset even over texts

it's just that i was told to take care

but i didn't

it happened again and this is probably out of my reach

take care?

yes, so you don't get exposed

why were you told that?

i didn't mean that

what did you mean then?

i don't know

harry, who told you to take care?

no one

are you lying to me?

angel, i'll fix it, ok?

that's what matters now

just a minute ago you said you didn't know if you could fix it

you're just trying to ignore the subject

you know that so well because it's what you do all the time


i'm just trying to think what to do

you didn't have to get defensive

i know

so you were lying

i wasn't

at least you were hiding something


you were defensive

and i think we've been talking enough to know when you're hiding something or lying to me

don't psychoanalyze me

it's not that


oh so now you're mad at me

i'm not

i just need to think

talk later?




i'm hiding nothing

ok, i'm trusting you, harry

just don't lie to me, please

i won't

then it's okay

we'll talk tomorrow

bye harry

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now