Chapter one

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Four years of high school and it goes by too fast. I never know what's going to happen once those doors close on us one last time.... but ladies and gentlemen I am only a junior and too much shit already goes down and boy... I want to share it ALL with you.

My name is Caroline Myron, a person, who is invisible, but sees all. I have always watched, listened to others problems and have been so selfless. My friends tend to take advantage of designated friend everyone sees to be "The one" with all the answers, it's crazy that I have been so caught up in the help and pleasing others, that I haven't even given thoughts about Prom, prom! Prom is something we, as juniors, focus and fantasize about for a whole year, leading up to it, the dresses, the makeup and hair and of course the perfect date, I am never the one who gets the guy anyway, like I said it earlier, I am the "invisible" one I have never even had my first kiss or date. Fuck, I am boring people.

"Hey peaches!" A cheery voice said as I am getting my books from my locker, my best friend Alisa Holmes, is as cheery and quirky as they come, she is the wholesome girl who is so innocent, I hate that she broke out of the homeschool world, that sheltered world, that didn't prepare her enough for what's too come with this shitty ass hell with halls.
"So, you going to the party in a few days?" Alisa asked me
"What party?"
"You know, Tyra Cavinsky's party, the big Back to school bash, she throws every fucking year just to let everyone know she is available after multiple summer flings."
"What is this a back to school bash or to shout out she doesn't have an STD?" She widened her eyes and busted out laughing with the little cackle she does best
"You're wonky" she says messing with her long, red hair, trying to not to fidget with it. She has OCD especially, when it comes to her hair being too long where it can reach her butt. Alisa has always been that way since I have known her since middle school.
"Well, I would rather be wonky, than someone who is just known as loose" I said in a bitchy way, which is no right to be, but Tyra is more like "Tyra the terrorist" she has always been the one to pick on those whose social life doesn't meet hers, she and I actually used to be best of friends, until she became too wild and let her negativity and ego get in the way and cost her relationship with me and my relationship with a boy a really cared about, still do in a way. He was my first love, even though it didn't work out, he will always be my first love. I know I said I have never kissed anyone and hear me out, we did NOT kiss nor date, but it's the friendship that you want something more out of, I fell in love with him when he was my best friend. We both liked each other, but Tyra, wrote a letter, without my permission, to him and made everything weird. He never talked to me after that really.
His name is Charlie Schnacky, a man who blew me away with his baseball skills, incredible smart, god given abilities to be an engineer of all things, he could build anything, make a model of it on his computer and make is passion come to life. I never understood it, especially when we had a class together in the 8th grade, where the teacher was ancient, I was shy and afraid of screwing everything up and embarrassed if I made a mistake so, Charlie helped me, practically did my work for me, even though I didn't ask, he just did it out of the kindness of his heart, was he a fucking flirt, oh fuck yeah, but it kind of made you feel special, especially if you were invisible and introverted, like me.
"Caroline, it's Charlie" Alisa pointed out to me from the lockers and him walking our way, well past us, but I haven't really heard from him, and seeing him now felt odd, I knew he went and got himself a girlfriend, well, lots since we had a thing of you shall call it, but it still hurts sometimes.
"Do you guys talk anymore?, I mean, he knows that Tyra did all those things right?"
"Tyra has nothing to do with this one Alisa, not this time."
Something happened between us over the summer, we were talking on the phone, my landline calls were always the worst because my parents were around, but we would talk when they went to bed, but it all turned out to be a big lie and I got heartbroken again, he wasn't who I thought he was

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