Chapter two

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Classes were always tough, not knowing what to expect upon a new year, who you have to sit next to, your new partner you're paired up with. I mean this is no "Clueless" and it's not as easy as it may have seemed it the movie, there were tough parts, but always a happy ending to movies like that. School in the 90's, is a pain in the ass, I mean we just got laptops to be a thing and it doesn't help that they can only hold so much, we are pretty much better off using the library computers.
"Errrrr" was the noise I felt vibrate in my pocket of my oversized overhauls, trying that Jennifer Anniston look, ya know? I opened it up and read it, it was my other friend Miranda Pierce, she was in school with us, but unfortunately, came across a local anger management kid, a notorious drug user and doesn't take a whole lot for him to get in trouble. Aaron Jameson, always the kid you should be afraid of, he and Miranda got together sophomore year and by the end of last summer she gave birth to his healthy and beautiful baby boy, Jake. He is beautiful, but when the times got real after she ran away from her parents place, was when she had to live with him and his crazy family. After she gave birth she started to see a change in him, which was just God's way of giving her clarity in the whole situation he put her through. He was emotionally and physically abusive. Aaron damage on Miranda went so deep, she had to eventually move to a group home for battered women to get away from him.
The page read "911" it freaked me out enough that I had to take a "bathroom break" to use the office phone to call her. I am thankful that the secretary up in the office is one of my friends, since Alisa and I eat lunch with her everyday instead of the lunch room, since no one bothers to make room for us "dumpster girls".
"Oh my goodness, are you okay? I got the 911 text"
"Well, I'm freaking out! Jake won't go down for his nap and Aaron keeps trying to sweet talk me!" Part of me was freaked out, but I knew if I freaked out, then that's a way for her to see too much into things, it's fucking exhausting when I have to calm down myself, let alone both of us, but even though I love Miranda, she can be a big drama queen not going to lie.

I walked home after a long ass first day, imagine my surprise, when I walk in the house and see the notepad by the phone with a message in my mom's handwriting
Had to run back to work, a patient was in
need of  help, I won't be home until late tonight, money is on the counter to order a pizza.
Pizza for dinner, mom out of the house and dad finishing up a case for the next few hours. Home. Alone, you would think I would be upset to be alone after an exhausting day at school, but my stereo volume knob met my fingers and all the sudden my feet were dancing to the tune of "The Cranberries" and I jacked a bottle of bud light out of my dads stash and ordered my favorite Cheese Pizza and I still have a blockbuster classic in my DVD player, life is good.
Mid dance session and my bottle of beer in my hand, I hear a doorbell ring, assuming it's my pizza, I slide over in my socks across the cold, wooden floor as if it's Risky Business. Come to my shock, when I open the door, music blaring and hair a mess, it's Charlie.

"Hey, Stumpy"
Charlie has always called me "Stumpy" since the times I was a klutz and I fell over, slipped and embarrassed myself to no end. So he came up with "Stumpy" in 8th grade and here we are, like a cartoon character in "Hey, Arnold"
"Charlie, what are you doing here?" I asked trying not to freak out
"Well, we have been kind of avoiding each other since what happened between us this summer."
"Nothing happened Charlie, well, I mean if you count the asshole, selfish, narcissistic ego you had hanging over your head."
"I'm sorry I hurt you, but you had a part in this fight as well."
The nerve Charlie had acting like it was a two way street to breaking up our friendship
"You're such an asshole! Just because I didn't have sex with you, nor did I want to doesn't give you the right to call me a tease, because I pushed you away!"
There you have it folks, the reason I stopped calling Charlie, well more like the reason he stopped calling me. Over the summer, we got closer and he and I would flirt over our conversations and of course people flirt sometimes, but he took it too far. Charlie would start off being himself, then starts asking me for nudes, then pressuring me for sex. I didn't know who he was anymore

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