Part three

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Charlie and I were catching up after our fucking explosive argument, the pizza arrived, parents still were home and he was attempting to apologize for what he did. It was a hard summer, he accused me of being a tease and leading him on, told me to throw away any letters or phone messages he left me, because he didn't want any evidence he and I were ever talking to each other about liking one another. When we got to high school, his ego got the best of him and he changed a hell of a lot, he became this douchebag, he thought every girl wanted him, he would brag about dates, making out and of course working out. Charlie once even told me while I was waiting for my ride, that his dad bought him condoms when I didn't even ask. I guess he wanted to let me know he was "open for business" like he was Joey Tribbiani.
"So, what are you doing here Charlie?" I asked taking a bite out of my delicious cheese pizza he messes with his dirty blond hair and scratches the back of his head to collect his thoughts.
"I wanted to see you I guess"
"You guess?"
"Well, I mean, I miss talking to you and this summer hasn't been easy without you calling me" he said in a voice that was raspy and low as he sounded disappointed in himself
"Well, you really hurt me, I told you I didn't want to have sex with you or come hang out in your pool, because you wanted to see me in my bathing suit. It was awkward and I didn't know what to think"
He looked down in his cup of coffee and twiddled his thumbs pondering over what I just said
"It was just hard, we liked each other for so long that I just thought-"
"Getting me to sleep with you, would make the whole world make sense?" I interrupted
"Well, yeah I mean, I figured that's why, because after the letter incident freshman year"
I looked at him confused, I wondered why that letter was the reason I wanted to sleep with him, all it said was I had feelings for him and that we should date, at least... that's what I had hoped, but knowing Tyra, that probably want even the truth or at least all of it.
Charlie went into detail about how much he missed me and wanted to get to know me as the person I am now and not the one he knew back in 8th grade. We have grown up a lot since the 8th grade and I am not the same, shy, EMO girl, who was obsessed with everything rock and roll, as I was back then. I am someone who doesn't care or try's not to care anyway, what others think. Charlie just let me down when he went for the fake approach to being noticed and joining the popular crowd.
"I really did like you Charlie" he brushed my hair back, from my face and his blue eyes met my hazel eyes.
"I really liked you too, Caroline" I smiled and I hate that my stomach filled with a raid of butterflies, almost as if I was nauseous or excited. He slowly inched closer and closer to me and it seemed as if he wanted to kiss me. He slowly looked down at my lips and put his thumb on to my bottom lip and touched it and he raised my chin, licked his sleeps and kissed me softly. My first kiss, my first KISS, was with my first love, it felt weird, but the brush of his lips, were so soft, made me feel so many sparks.
I was lying in bed, waiting for the tune of my pager to go off, a little signal from Charlie. He always sends me 8008 which if you were an immature seventeen year old, knows it spells boob, but for Charlie, I let it slide, if it was me I know I would have an opportunity to spell dick for the hell of it. But I heard nothing, not a beep, no 8008, not even a rock at the window or him carrying roses and jumping up on my imaginary fire escape like Richard Geer in "Pretty woman" he dropped off the face of -my world -again.  What did I do wrong?

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