The mission

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Before I knew it I was awake and in what looked like a place nightmare would love as if I were in his room! I have no idea why but I was completely covered in bandages.After a few minutes I sat up and looked around.I was going to stand up but thought I would fall.Wasn't I weak? After choosing I decided to stand up and run other than sit there and get killed.when standing up I felt if? I was healed by someone I didn't care I wanted to leave and now.Bursting through the door I saw Error,Cross,Dust,Horror and Killer look up at me.Running out the front door their footsteps followed.*GET HIM!!!* I heard dust yell They followed me into the forest behind the castle.I ran for at least 10minutes until I saw a small hole in one of the trees I ran to it so I could squeeze into it.listening I heard the words (We need to find him before Nightmare comes one tomorrow)as they slowly walked out of my vision. What is up with me and getting lost when im' in danger? I said with an annoyed voice.Getting out of the hole I heard some bushes rustle behind me I tried to run but I was paralyzed in fear.That was when I felt a hand on my shoulder.Which caused one of my reflexes to kick off and I started to run as fast as I could.So fast I think I bumped into a couple trees though I'm not sure because the adrenaline was quite effective.I then heard someone saying my name it was that gentle voice who called to me week ago that voice that was familiar was dream while running I turned around to see dream standing there his smile slowly changed into a sacred expression I new I should turn around but I didn't want to know what was scaring dream that bad.It only took me a few more steps before I collided with another object? Monster? I was unsure to scared to open my eyes so I sat there with my eyes closed waiting for someone to help me but when I finally opened my eyes what I was was far from what I expected though it felt kinda nice.

376 words it's been awhile since I've made one this long though I guess it isn't really that long :3  -StarDust.

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