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I'm so sorry for writing this story, please don't read it. It makes me cry just going through the cringe. Yes I wrote this two years ago, and for some reason decided to post it here. I don't think that it's possible for me to ever continue this piece of trash.

Why are people still reading this after the warning? Fine, read it. Be prepared for cringe and grammar mistakes. 🤩 

Jisoo looked around the table with a sigh.

She didn't believe that any of her brothers would ever get married at this rate.

They were all laughing, while stuffing muffins in each other's mouths. You wouldn't have ever known that they were princes.

Her four brothers were in desperate needs of wives, especially the oldest. He needed to marry in order to become king. Yet, Jisoo saw him as far too immature for the throne.

Today was just like any other. Some random girl from another kingdom would come visit, and choose one of Jisoo's brothers to court her. They usually broke up within a day to a week. Which Jisoo understood completely.

Once the siblings were all finished with breakfast, they made their way towards the throne room where their mother and father waited for the princess.

Jisoo's brothers took their place by their mother, while Jisoo stood on the other end beside her father.

Jisoo didn't understand why she needed to be there. It was for her brothers after all. She was just going to get married off to some random person whom she had no choice over.

After a few minutes passed, a girl then came into sight. Jisoo watched as she looked up confidently towards the family.

The girl had brunette hair, and a simple purple dress that fit her ever so perfectly. Jisoo was sure that she would last longer than the rest of the batch that had ever come to the castle. She was the definition of a perfect bride.

The girl curtsied in front of Jisoo's brothers, then faced the king.

"Jennie, is it?" Jisoo's father then asked.

The brunette simply nodded with a smile. "Yes, my lord."

He then examined her before continuing. "Like many of the princesses who've come here before, you have a choice on who you would like to court." Explained the king.

Jennie just nodded, then turned to observe each of the princes.

Jisoo silently looked away. She didn't care much for any of the princesses who've come here before. All the relationships ended the same way.

Her thoughts were then interrupted by a small voice.

"I would like to court her."

Jisoo looked up in shock. Every head was now turned towards her direction

She then looked up at the girl who still had a smile on her face. Jennie didn't look like she was joking.

It stayed silent for a few seconds, before the king started laughing.

After that everyone besides Jennie and Jisoo started laughing.

It stayed like that until the Queen finally spoke. "Oh, you're quite the jokester." She said in between chuckles.

Jennie then frowned, she was about to speak until the king started before her.

"It must be hard choosing, with all of us here. We'll give you some time before you make your decision. The maid will bring you to your room." He then said.

Jennie looked like she wanted to say something, but ultimately kept silent, and followed the maid.

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