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"I'll admit, that was pretty fun." Started Jennie while combing her hair.

"I told you so!" Replied a bubbly Jisoo, as she hopped on to Jennie's bed.

Jennie just smiled as she watched the older girl from the mirror.

"Oh yeah, my father decided that my eldest brother is gonna court you."

Jennie then paused, and turned towards the raven haired girl.

"I thought that I got to choose." Replied Jennie with a frown.

Jisoo then sighed. "It's very typical of him, plus when did we ever get a choice in life."

Jennie just nodded, she shouldn't have expected anything. Her purpose is simply to be a good bride.

She should at least look at the bright side though.

"Well then, what's his name?" She then asked.

"His real name is Jongin, but for some reason he likes being called Kai." Replied Jisoo with a shrug.

Jennie nodded. As much as she didn't want to get married, she didn't really have a choice.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed now." Jisoo then said with a yawn. "Goodnight Nini."

"Nini? When did you come up with that?" Asked Jennie.

"Just now." Replied the giggly ravenette as she exited the room.

Jisoo got up with excitement. It had been a while since she really ever had someone to hang out with.

Jennie was much sweeter compared to what Jisoo thought of her to be.

She was even maybe hoping that Jennie would actually end up marrying her brother.

Jisoo then shook off her thoughts, and got out of bed to change.

Once she was fitted into her cerulean blue dress, she mildly combed her hair, then headed out.

Jisoo was always the first to get up. She didn't exactly know how her sleep schedule turned out like that. She supposed that it just happened on it's own.

As she walked through the halls, Jisoo noticed the blue light filtering through the rather large curtains, causing the hallways to appear blue-shaded. It made her smile.

Jisoo was about to pass the empty kitchen, until she noticed the door on the other side. It was usually used by the cooks, yet it seemed so tempting to her.

Plus, when was the last time she paid Jinyoung a visit?

To say Jisoo was proud of herself would be a lie.

She was honestly quite scared, the girl hadn't been out in a while. 

Jisoo had wandered into the nearby forest, not knowing if Jinyoung was even still in the kingdom.

The prince was her good friend. They've known each other since childhood.

Every summer his family comes to their kingdom to stay at a rather large cabin in the woods.

 The thing is that it's already September, and she's worried that they'd already left before she had the chance to say goodbye. The exact thing happened last year, and she was still rather bitter about it.

Jisoo was only about halfway there, when she felt warm arms embrace her from behind.

"So you finally decide to visit?" Spoke a voice whom she could only ever know to be Jinyoung.

Jisoo found a smile creeping onto her face. "I was worried that you've left already."

Jinyoung then released her.

"We're actually planning to stay a lot longer than expected." He replied.

Jisoo sighed in relief. "That's good then, wouldn't want the same thing that happened last year to occur again."

Jinyoung then laughed, as Jisoo rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, there's a new girl at the castle." Spoke the ravenette.

"Is she a snob like the rest of them?" Asked Jinyoung.

"No surprisingly not." Replied Jisoo with a soft smile while remembering the princess. "We've actually become friends of some sort."

Jinyoung frowned, as he put his head on her shoulder. "Is she a better friend than me?"

"Of course she is." Replied Jisoo, feeling rather playful.

Jinyoung then lifted his head from her shoulder with a sarcastic scoff. "Lies." 

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