Arjun Vs Karn

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Before going to start the fight,Arjun
got a phone call from Uruvi and she said it was urgent.So Arjun went without fighting.Karn was selected as
a soldier in the Indian army.He felt happy and proud to be a solider but
He was given a job of a watchman.He
have to guard the border in Jammu and Kashmir.Here Uruvi called Arjun to say that she was going for Jammu and Kashmir to organise a health camp and ask him to accompany him.
He got little angry and asked is it that urgent to call me.Uruvi apologize I am sorry I don't know you were in important meeting and I called you for one more thing.She gave a Rolex wrist watch to him.Which was a special edition.She said This is a gift for our fifth friendiversary.She asked him to keep it safe forever.Arjun vowed her that he will keep it safe.Arjun came from a rich family but they were first meet in an army camp were Arjun was solider and Uruvi was doctor there.They became friends but Arjun has feelings for her and Arjun and Uruvi's family support him but Uruvi grandmother was not interested because She named Uruvi for a reason to marry the son of sun god.It is none other than Karn.Here Karn told this to Kausthri and she felt sad for their separation.Karn has a weakness every morning he will pray to Sun god after that anyone who come to seek help whatever it is Karn will do.So Kausthri will seek help first.So that Karn doesn't compulsorily help others but even though he doesn't like that.Here Arjun asked leave permission to the Colonel but the colonel asked Arjun to work in off duty and monitor Karn in Jammu and Kashmir.He accepted it.

Karn went to Jammu and Kashmir in train and Uruvi and Arjun went by private jet.In the train,Karn saw a small girl harnessed by an adult.
Seeing it,He gets angry and shout at him but the adult was not scared at all.He was courageously doing a crime.So that Karn fight with the adult and knocked him out.At the next station,He hand over him to police officers but he see that the police officers was not responding to him properly.The police officer doesn't handcuffs him.Karn repeatedly asking
the officers to handcuff him but after
they saw Karn's suitcase.The officer asked who are you in a trembling tone.Karn showed the Military ID card arrogantly.After that only they arrested the adult.He headed to Kashmir.He went to the base and reported.He was incharge of National guard.He worked sincerely and no problems arises until Arjun joined as a chief.He troubles Karn a lot by giving extra work and wasting his break time and irritated him a lot because He kind of in anger that How
dare Karn challenge me in a Fight knowing that I am the sharpshooter in the team.If it was not Uruvi,I would
defeated him before itself.Days passed,Uruvi's medical camp was set to the border slum area where Karn lives.She went to the soldiers hostel to inform about the medical camp.After
Informing,Arjun came there after jogging and saw her.They chat for a while.On the outside of the hostel,
Uruvi was attracted by someone.It was Karn offering his shoes to a old man as a donation.Arjun tease him as he was fool that now how can he walk to the hostel.Uruvi praised his donation in her heart.She asked Who is he? He replied His name Karn,My junior.She whispered Karn to make his name remember for her seven nest born.Karn told Arjun that He finished his warmups but Arjun asked him to do more rudely.Uruvi was upset about it but doesn't show it.
Karn hears Arjun saying Uruvi and remember her for his seven nest born.He Started to feel something about Uruvi.One day,Karn lost his patience and fight with Arjun just fist fight.In the fight,Arjun fight well but Karn accidentally broke the watch and after that Karn defeated Arjun.
Arjun was sad because of the vow he made was broken with the watch but
He smiled because now Arjun can dismiss Karn.This was the plan of the Colonel to Dismiss Karn.Karn felt tricked and sad for not controlling his anger but his good luck.The border chief was Arjun's enemy Duryodhan who was once knocked down by him.
To get revenge,He rejected to dismiss Karn and seeing the ability of defeating Arjun.He gave promotion as a higher officer.It made Arjun angry
but it was the first time Karn was helped by someone other than Kaushtri.He fixed his mind that Duryodhan was his friend and Duryodhan started to became friend with Karn too.Here Arjun tries to convince Uruvi for the watch but he couldn't.She hears the entire story and doesn't reply anything.Next morning,Uruvi saw Karn finished his jogging and prayer.She accused Karn
for the watch.Karn said It's not my fault but if it's i will get you a new watch.Uruvi told It was Rolex brand.
Karn said Doesn't matter.Uruvi said It was special edition.Karn asked When do you want it? Uruvi replied Before the full moon day ends.Karn vowed that He will give Uruvi the watch she asked before the full moon day end.
After that Karn told it to Duryodhan.
Duryodhan ignoring it and shows a pic to him.Seeing it Karn said Marvelous.Duryodhan said I know the
Before finishing Karn said The watch was Marvelous.Duryodhan asked Did you talked about the watch? Karn said Yes,Why? Duryodhan show the pic to ask you whether are you interested in this girl Bhanumathi.Karn said No,I just need her watch.Duryodhan said
She is friend of Uruvi.Karn asked Will you help me to get the watch? Duryodhan said Sure,I will help you friend.They decided to went to their house.Duryodhan said to Bhanumathi
He is willing to buy the watch at any price arrogantly.Bhanumathi insults Duryodhan By saying You can't even buy this watch's crown.Duryodhan
gets furious and pulled her towards his side and said First,I will make you mine and the watch too.She was scared and left the room.Duryodhan called his parents and told them He loves a girl named Bhanumathi and willing to marry her.Duryodhan's father and mother were Billionaires.
After hearing it,They came to the house and talked to Bhanumathi's mother but Bhanumathi doesn't willing to marry him So Duryodhan's
parents threaten Bhanumathi that they will kill Bhanumathi if she reject
to marry Duryodhan.They have no choice so Duryodhan married Bhanumathi.Karn asked Is it wrong to
marry Bhanumathi without her will?
Duryodhan said Yes but Everything is fair in war and love.I loves her attitude and beauty.I am sure she will accept me as her husband soon.

Will Bhanumathi give her watch to Karn?

Will Karn fulfill his vow?

Why Colonel wants to dismiss Karn?

Will Uruvi and Karn falls in love?



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