Destined to be with you

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The author's POV:-

After few weeks,In the base,A parcel was delivered to Karn.In home,Karn
and Uruvi was living together after their engagement.Uruvi was talking to her mother through the phone.Her
Mother was not happy about her engagement.Uruvi asked Why?
She reveals that She met an astrologer to see the future of you and Karn.
Uruvi asked What did they told?
She replied The same thing will happen Arjun will Kill Karn to arise Justice and your love will be broken there.Uruvi started to weep but she wiped after hearing Karn's sound.She ended the phone call.Karn
came to the house after prayer seeing
Uruvi wiping her tears and Karn asked What? She said Nothing some dust enters into my eyelids.Karn misunderstand that she was missing her family so he decided to talk with Uruvi's family.After work,He went to
Uruvi's house and meet her mother.
Karn convinced her mother but she asked a promise that he won't donate or remove his armour at any cost even if it was your first request of the day.Karn unwillingly did the promise because of Uruvi.She has sacrifice her family for Karn,now It will be his turn to Sacrifice.Karn take Uruvi's family to his house.Uruvi was cleaning his family photo sadly because missing them.Suddenly,His house calling bell rang,She was confused who was outside because usual Karn will return at evening after his work.She
opens the door in confusion and fear
because of robbers but..........................
It was her family with Karn outside.
She was overwhelmed with joy that moment seeing them.They stepped inside the house with curiousity.The house was not cosy but it was full of Uruvi's taste.They understood how Karn taking care of her daughter with every single object of the house.After  a while of chitchat,Uruvi's grandmother announced Karn and Uruvi's marriage but Karn see Uruvi which was dull for a moment.Karn knows why?

In the morning,Karn as usual wakes up early and went to Morning workout and prayers.In the middle,Karn called Uruvi.Uruvi's phone rang.Sleepyhead she woke up and attend it.Karn asked her to check out the breaking news.Uruvi gets up and headed to the hall.Turn on the TV and saw The breaking news.It was a video evidence that Uruvi was framed
as abused but the truth is she is not.
The press people were apologising for not trusting her when she said the truth and Thank Karn for revealing but He gave credits to a woman who was captured it when she was in the locked room.Uruvi was crying in happiness and saw still Karn was in line.She said Thank you.Karn said No need,Make the breakfast for us this time.She ended the call and started her morning chores.After a while,
Karn came inside of the house.He had a surprise.Uruvi decorated the house with candles and flowers.Karn was surprised of this but He searched Uruvi in every room and atlast she was in dining table for a great toast.
A candlelight Breakfast new isn't it?
They had nice time together.

Days passed,The day of Karn and Uruvi's marriage came.Karn was waiting for Uruvi in the marriage hall

Karn was waiting for Uruvi in the marriage hall

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Uruvi came

She was gorgeous that Karn can't look anywhere else

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She was gorgeous that Karn can't look anywhere else.They marriage was held in Hindu culture with lots of rituals.After all,In nuptial night, No funny stuffs because they were tired because of the rituals already.A happy and memorable honeymoon in Goa, Shimla and Kanyakumari.Few months after,In the morning,Bhanumathi called Karn asking help that Duryodhan was missing.
Karn said Don't worry,Duryodhan will be safe,I will come to Kashmir soon.
Karn said to Uruvi that he was going to Kashmir to rescue Duryodhan.
Uruvi remembered his grandmother's
words that Don't leave Karn alone in any situation that's the mistake Queen
Uruvi did.Uruvi said to Karn She too accompany with him.First Karn denied it but Uruvi request and It's the first request of the day so Karn approve it.They headed to Kashmir and saw Bhanumathi receiving them in the airport.She was sad because of Duryodhan missing but seeing the watch in Uruvi's hand made her little smile.

She took them to her house and shows her son Laxman and daughter Lakshmana twins asking for their father

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She took them to her house and shows her son Laxman and daughter Lakshmana twins asking for their father.Karn and Uruvi greeted them.
Karn asked Uruvi to wait here and he will enquire what happened in the base.Karn left.Uruvi and Bhanumati having chitchat with kids.Here Karn enquired and found Pakistan army kidnapped him to get some top secret information about India's plans.Karn
talked to Pakistan army officer Iqubal Syed by the help of Indian hackers.
Karn said He will bring the information but in exchange he needs
Duryodhan.Syed accept it because Duryodhan was so stubborn in not revealing the truth.Karn asked them to collect the information from the Indian authority forcefully to save Duryodhan but not thinking of any consequences.Indian government hired Arjun to kill Karn and get the information back.Karn gave the information to Pakistan and saved Duryodhan.They left without checking.Duryodhan asked Why did you do this? Karn said We have to escape quickly I have gave them fake information.Karn let Duryodhan escape with Arjun.Karn stopped the Pakistan army to reach Arjun and Duryodhan but they couldn't.Karn used M134 minigun and destroy the
Pakistan army troops.It made Pakistan declare war against India.
Here Duryodhan went to his house and Bhanumathi ran towards him and hugged him in joy.

Here Duryodhan went to his house and Bhanumathi ran towards him and hugged him in joy

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Karn and Uruvi saw it and felt happy.Uruvi treated Duryodhan's wounds and Karn bought gifts to Laxman and lakshmana.Duryodhan and Bhanumathi thanked
them for everything.They left and going to Syria.Uruvi asked Why are we going there.Karn replied To stop a war.Uruvi asked What ?
Karn explained Pakistan is going to use bio war with the help of Syrians.
So we have to stop them and it's about bio war so that you will accompany me.Uruvi said I am a doctor not a scientist.Karn said You are fast learner I know that it's for our country and don't worry I will make sure you will be safe and sound.Uruvi
said I don't have doubt in that.They kissed in the airport suddenly an announcement to board stop their kiss.

Will Karn and Uruvi stop the war?
Will Uruvi be safe and sound?
Will the astrologer's words come to true?



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