Karn's vow will never broke

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Usually I write the story in third person or author pov but to understand the chapter well I used hero and heroine's pov.

Karn's POV:-

I know Duryodhan done wrong by marrying Bhanumathi unwillingly but I can see He was taking good care of her.After few days,Duryodhan, I and Bhanumathi went to Best malls a shopping mall.In there terrorists hijacked the mall.The terrorist asked us to lie on the floor and Duryodhan doesn't obey first but after I asked him to do he did.They snatched our bags, wallets and phone.There are seven terrorist in the hijack wearing black masks.I inform it to the police by a letter which I threw it outside the window.I found out that there is a secret door to enter into the mall.I
wrote another letter and ask them to  send the force by the secret door.
One of the terrorist saw me while throwing the paper.He asked me what did I threw? I replied I threw a paper which has chewed bubble gum.He trusted it.What a fool,I thought.The terrorist was divided into two groups to monitor the hostages.

Uruvi's POV:-

In the morning,I heard Bhanumathi married someone named Duryodhan who forcibly married her and Karn helped him too.I was angry with Karn because of that.I don't know why I was thinking about him.He was so generous and kind.I am curious how he will get me the watch.I have trust in him he will surely get me the watch.I went to Best malls for the shopping but Arjun lazy dog makes me late to go there.By the time,we saw
The police were sealed the mall around.I heard terrorists were hijacked the mall.Arjun talked to his seniors and get incharge of this operation.He asked me to go home but my phone rang.It was Bhanumathi's mother.She told me Bhanumathi was inside.I stayed to know the updates.That time a paper hit my head which has chewed bubble gum.Inside the paper,There is some information which I don't understand.I gave to Arjun and hear the decode.Arjun decode it and said There is a secret door to enter where
the terrorists doesn't aware of.Arjun and some special forces team enter into the mall by the door with Mp5 submachine guns and wearing bullet proof vests.

Karn's POV:-

My instincts says that The officer will arrest the first terrorist group by now and I need to do something to distract them to know about it.One of the terrorist was womaniser who tried to abuse Bhanumathi but Duryodhan hits him and the terrorists started to fire on him and I came between and hit by the bullets.I found that nothing happened in my body and sunray flashes in my chest.A old woman told that I have sun god's armour which can penetrate anything.By the time special force and Arjun came for
the rescue.All were shoted except one.He whispered Then It's plan b.
He tore his shirt and showed he was a human bomb.Before he press the button.Karn pushed him in the window.He fall with him too.The bomb blasts without any casualties.

Uruvi's POV:-

My heart beat stopped for a moment seeing Karn falling from the mall and suddenly a blasts.I am almost died seeing Karn in that situation and I don't know why I was feeling deep for him.I just met him once though but
Karn was alive still.All were shocked like me.Karn's chest sparked for a moment.He remove the bomb and handover it to the bomb squad.
This news spread viral and rumours saying He got Sun god's armour so that he was alive and another rumour
says He was post born of Karnan.Karn
became famous and He didn't like it though.

Karn's POV:-

I saved all of them in the shopping mall.I got promotion as vice chief of army officer.So I headed to Delhi itself and I was worried about my vow only two days left for the full moon day.
Hope Duryodhan get the watch but that's not happened.He was talking to his wife asking the watch while I was entering their room moreover like eavesdropping she told she didn't mean to insult Duryodhan that time
The watch was presented by her father.She was having it as a memory
of his father.It was the last gift he gave.Duryodhan felt little sad even though He tell about my situation and the vow i made.I interrupt and told Bhanumathi to Keep the watch with herself.After hearing it,
Bhanumathi said You have saved my husband's life without even thinking about your life and for that I am giving this watch to you as a gratitude.i received the watch and we had a farewell party for my transfer.
Next morning,The Colonel called me and said I will accompany with Arjun while coming to the base.I felt proud that I am vice chief of army officers and Arjun was now junior to me.It will be fun to be around now.

Arjun came to my room and stumbled to enter.I came outside for morning workout and prayer to Sun god and saw him.I ordered him to start the warmup now.He looked jealous and I smirked.After that,Arjun asked me to
join for the return journey with Uruvi in airplane.I accepted it because it was the first request of the day.
He didn't know Uruvi asked me the Rolex watch.So to tease him I told that.It made him angry.I think we were born to be fight with each other.
That's Why He is still angry with me and me either.Arjun went to Uruvi's house to ask.

Uruvi's POV:-

I am looking at the sun and clouds to relax.Suddenly Arjun rushed to my room and asked Why I asked him the watch? I replied Because he broke the watch.Arjun said But I am the one to blame I should've protect it.Uruvi said
You broke my vow and became a promise breaker so that I am going to make your enemy Karn as a promise breaker too.I know it's a special edition there is only one left and that's is broke now.He can't get the watch and became a promise breaker.Arjun left without saying anything.In my mind voice,I am sorry Arjun.I don't know why I am doing this and I...I think something happens to me when I am with him.I asked him the watch to prove me how long will he go for a vow.

Karn's POV:-

Next morning,In the airport,we were boarding.I called Uruvi.She turned and asked what? I searched my bag for the watch but it was not there.I said Nothing.She went forward with Arjun.I was confused that where did the watch gone? Arjun turned and smirked at me so I understood that he stole the watch from me.Arjun and Uruvi were seated behind me in the airplane.I didn't talk to Uruvi and she tried too but Arjun interrupt.A girl near to me talked with me.First,He talked casually but after knowing I am Karn who saved hostages day before.
She became crazy by asking questions
She was a reporter and to collect information she tried to seduce me and I saw Uruvi getting Jealous and interrupt us.After that,We landed to Delhi.She waved and left.I thanked Uruvi for helping when Arjun was not around.She remind me that Tomorrow is the full moon day and my birthday too.I hear it when entering into a taxi like I didn't hear anything.She was little anger because of my ignorance.I did for a reason.

Uruvi's POV:-

As usual,My grandmother wake up me at 12.I came down to the hall and saw a birthday party for me.My mom
told me Arjun made this whole arrangement.After cake cutting,dance ceremony,I and Arjun spend time alone in the balcony.He gave me a gift.
I was curious to open and did it.I saw
A paper written
Arjun saw the paper with me too.He told me everything that He stole the watch from Karn and tried to gift it to me but failed.I left without saying anything.I was sad because of Arjun and impressed of Karn that He tricked Arjun and found the watch I asked to fulfill the vow.

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